Pro Tips on How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths ...

Amanda Apr 12, 2018

Pro Tips on How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths ...
Pro Tips on How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths ...

I think everyone should know how to turn weaknesses into strengths. Leonardo da Vinci is quoted to have said; “I love those who can smile in trouble, gather strength from distress and grow brave through rejection”. So how can we turn our weakness into strengths? Simple, by using them in the right way! Remember, hidden in your weaknesses lie your strengths. So, here's how to turn weaknesses into strengths.

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1. Shyness

Did you know that many of the best public speakers and actors are painfully shy? Being shy can make survival in social contexts more challenging. But if you put more thought into what you do, in order not to risk making a fool of yourself, you will be more convinced than your “happy go lucky” counterparts. Shy people are generally also much better at building lasting, quality relations since it costs them so much to have them. They usually make those close to them feel they can be trusted and depended on. This is a great example of how to turn weaknesses into strengths.

2. Sensitivity

Highly sensitive people are prone to empathise with those who suffer, becoming themselves unhappy, unhealthy, depressed even despondent. But if you can work on defending yourself from this inclination, your perceptiveness will allow you to notice things others ignore. This can be really helpful in business when dealing with an emergency, or in problem-solving situations in general.

3. Untidiness

Einstein once said, “if a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, then what are we to think of an empty desk?” Creative people tend to be untidy. Though tidiness does have its advantages, if it requires you spending more time to get organised than to manage priorities, don’t force it. You’ll end up losing your inspiration and your things! Make the most of your creativity and work in the most inspiring way for you.

4. Impatience

Generally speaking, being impatient means you are passionate about reaching a goal or result. If you channel your attention to reaching that objective and don’t give up until you have, then impatience is a very positive trait! Just remember to keep your eyes open for unexpected hurdles that will require you to stop momentarily in order to deal with them.

5. Stubborn

Often seen as a negative characteristic, being stubborn can actually be a real asset. If Steve Jobs or Elon Musk weren’t stubborn, they’d never have achieved their goals. Stubborn people know what they want and tend to be more decisive. They have a clear idea of what’s best for them and tend to follow their instincts. They stick to their guns and don’t listen to the naysayers.

6. Arrogant

A common perception is that there is a fine line between being confident and arrogant. Nothing could be further from the truth! Those who try too hard to come across as confident will often be perceived as arrogant. If you talk over others, express an opinion without thinking first about its impact, or steamroll your view forward, because you’ve been told that’s what confident people do, you’ll get yourself into considerable trouble! You don’t need to fake confidence. You feel it when you just behave like yourself. There will always be someone more experienced than you or even more talented. But that doesn’t diminish you or your talents and value. So don’t think you need to bluff, confident people know it’s ok to be vulnerable at times. Arrogance and confidence are worlds apart, make sure you know the difference.

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