How to Get through a Tough Week ...


Under pressure at work? Too many school assignments? Strung out from juggling too many priorities? Or even an emotional issue that’s taking a heavy toll? When you’re having a tough time it seems no matter how far you stare into the distance, there’s not even a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. But all you need most times is some little fillip, a boost and some motivation. Here are my inspiring tips on how to get through a tough week.

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1. Shower before Bed

This is one of the most underrated ways of how to get through a tough week. Showering before you go to bed has two positive impacts: the first being that the physical activity of it will help to calm and refresh you before bedtime; and the second being that it will give you an extra thirty minutes or so in bed in the morning. That tiny bit of extra rest could be the difference between having a headache all day or feeling that extra bit rested that will help you to get through it more comfortably.

2. Wear Comfortable Clothing

One thing that you should not be worrying about during a tough week is having to squeeze yourself into your smallest pair of skinny jeans or weave yourself into an overly complicated string top. Opt for clothing that you like to wear but that is also really comfortable. You will be surprised just how much easier the day can go by when you are not concerned or preoccupied with your outfit.

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3. Buy Yourself Some Flowers

Who says that a girl can only receive flowers from somebody else? Go ahead and treat yourself to a beautiful bouquet. Not only will it brighten up a room in your home but the sight will be a nice thing to come home to after going through whatever tough situations you have had to face during the day. Buy yourself a little gift for the week, you deserve it!

4. PJs as Soon as You Get Home!

It is a universal truth known by all women that one of the best feelings of the entire day is getting home and taking your bra off! So why would you prolong this satisfaction any longer than you have to? Rid yourself of all of the discomfort of the day and get into your pajamas as soon as you get home. Trust me, your body will thank you for it!

5. Write Daily to do Lists

If your tough week seems like it will be almost impossible to get through, begin each day by writing a list of tasks that you need to complete by the evening. Seeing this list in a physical form, as well as being able to check them off as you complete them, will help to reduce your sense of panic and helplessness. There is nothing better than seeing the list become shorter and shorter as the day progresses.

6. Take Some Fun Breaks

No matter how busy and tough your week is, you should always carve out some time during the day for a little bit of silliness and fun. This could be anything from surfing Facebook to spending half an hour or so watching funny videos online. The fun break will provide you with the little extra energy you need to finish the day.

7. Inspire Your Mojo

You hear things like take time to stop and smell the roses. When you’re having a tough week, you simply think you don’t have time. Seriously? How long does it take to smile at the sun, sniff the newly mown grass, listen to your favorite song, or watch a scene from your favorite movie on YouTube? It may feel like your mojo has gone into hiding so feed it and entice it out.

Please share your tips on how you face your trials and tribulations of the everyday grind.

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Don't forget to pamper yourself:)

Prayer goes a long way. Try it!

Eat healthy, take a multi vitamin, and treat yourself to a healthy meal at the deli

love my lounge wears. Cosy esp in the winter.

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