How to Feel like a Complete Badass when You're Losing It ...

Lauren Oct 1, 2018

As women we face plenty of life and everyday challenges and sometimes we need to be tough – tougher than maybe we’d like. And then, there are those of us who want to be Queen Bee and cultivate badassness (is that a word?) … just because. Here’s how you can tame your inner goddess and set your warrior queen free. (Not for the fainthearted!)

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1. Quit Waiting for Someone to Give You Permission

You know that old saying, “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than get permission?” Well, the lady who said that, U.S. Naval officer Grace Hopper, wrote the book on how to be a badass. Badass girls don’t sit around waiting to be told it's okay; they act on their own intelligence and ambition. Badass women go for it - that job they’ve always dreamed of, checking items off the bucket list, buying a house, adopting a baby on their own - whatever it is, they think it out, they determine when and how it can be accomplished, but they don’t ask if it’s okay.

2. Quit Apologizing

You’d be surprised how much you apologize just to be nice or to soften negative information. Don’t start your sentences with, “I’m sorry, but…,” simply state the question or response without apology. Badass women don’t apologize for their questions, because the questions aren’t stupid and they are worth asking. They know it’s okay to disagree, and okay to say no, without being “sorry.” These women make their words mean something; they don’t diminish either the words or themselves by drowning them in apologies! They know when apologies are necessary and when they aren’t.

3. Don’t Be a Victim

It’s not that the badass women doesn’t ever get screwed over, left behind, cheated on or lied to. It’s that they take from the experience the lessons that need to be learned and move on. Badass women consider what happens to them, good and bad, as just a normal part of life. They don’t relive the moment over and over, they don’t take things too personally, and they don’t seek revenge. They understand that while they aren’t in control of the actions of others, they are in full control of how they react to the situation. And they react by rolling their sleeves up, doing their best Rosie-the-Riveter pose and moving the hell on.

4. Don’t Put Yourself down

No one is completely happy with the way they look, with everything they do, or with their life in general. There is always someone who has a better figure, prettier hair, a better job, but the badass woman isn’t stressed out by this knowledge. They don’t define themselves by one attribute or feature; they are aware of their uniqueness and appreciate it. They do not tire themselves or others with constant litanies of how they aren’t as skinny as they should be, or as successful as they should be - badass women accept who they are and don’t waste anyone’s time complaining about it.

5. Understand when Something’s Not Working

One defining characteristic common to most badass women is they know when to let go of something and never look back. They don’t contort themselves in endless attempts to make something work. Friendships that take more than they ever give, relationships that aren’t happy anymore, decisions that didn’t work out the way they should have, all are subject to the measurement of weights and balances. People change and situations change, and when they require more effort than they offer in return, it’s time to walk away.

6. You Don’t Owe Anyone an Explanation

Badass women are okay with just saying “No,” without explanation, or with going about their business without providing people explanations about how and why they made the decisions they did. They have no problem keeping their motivations to themselves and feel no need to chat on and on about their inner drives or desires. They alone are responsible for their decisions, and they don’t feel a need for consensus.

7. Act the Part

Badass women exude confidence. They stand straight, they look people in the eye, and they don’t flinch even when someone gives them bad news. They speak their minds, even if it goes against protocol, and they speak it without waiting to be asked for their opinion. They are often well-dressed, but even when dressing casually they create their own style and never go with something just because it’s trendy. They can rock a red silk dress with bright red lipstick as well as a worn out pair of jeans and a cowboy hat, but they own the look they’ve created and feel powerful while wearing it.

Don’t be mistaken in thinking that to be a badass woman you can’t be nice. Far from it, you can be. Badass shouldn’t equal bad tempered or disrespectful, superior, mean or nasty. It means confidence, self esteem, achievement and respect. And nice too…
Are you a badass or is she inside screaming to be set free?

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Love this! Thank you!


I love this!

I am a baddass! ;)

I don't want to be the type of women who doesn't apologize I should apologize no matter what. Beaux not doing that would ruin my relationship with people. No matter how badass u r u always need someone in ur life so if u do something wrong.. Apologize.

Love it!!!!

@me, I believe she meant on "quit apologizing" is something like when you were drunk and well kinda tipsy and you text your crush or someone n they next morning you checked up your phone and you feel bad about n you directly text him back "oh I am sorry I dont meant to text you or bla bla" cos well I believe we all did that right haha so why should be sorry, I mean its ok to open up a bit that we into our crush right? Its a human nature! Also when you in a train or bus and you wanna passby to a person so you wanna sit next to him/her maybe and we shouldn't say "I am sorry can I sit there?" seriously?? I heard that often n makes me wonder why say "I am sorry???" just say "excuse me"!! Or maybe your friends asked you to come along to some activity that you dont have time for, you dont have to say "sorry I cant join you guys or bla bla bla" just say like "No thanks, I am kinda busy working still, thanks for invited me n will try to join next time if I am free" theres no need to be sorry at all!! And its different if we realized we did a mistake so ofc we have to apologize! But not the silly things, there nothing wrong with being silly sometimes! ;))

I like it

Been a badass since the age of 10 and still one even if some people say I'm lady like and graceful!

I'm a badass and I love it

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