Things You're Doing to Undermine Your Self Worth ...


Things You're Doing to Undermine  Your Self Worth ...
Things You're Doing to Undermine  Your Self Worth ...

Many women share a common fault – low self-worth. It’s the feeling you’re not good enough to get a good job, to attract a decent, loving man, to keep a home and family together … the feeling that someone can always do it better than you. This is such BS really. You are unique and amazing and you should measure your self-worth by your standards – not your friends’, not your parents’, nor colleagues’ and certainly not society’s. Here are the most common ways women undermine their self-worth.

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1. You Tell White Lies

You Tell White Lies You can’t help but tell little white lies or exaggerate the truth so that is makes your life seem more interesting.

2. You Withhold Your Opinion to Avoid Confrontation

You Withhold Your Opinion to Avoid Confrontation You tend to withhold your real opinion on a matter in favour of agreeing with somebody to keep from having a potential disagreement.

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3. You Rarely Use the Word No when You Really Want to

You Rarely Use the Word No when You Really Want to You are constantly saying yes to things that you do not want to do, simply to make the other person feel happy and sacrificing your own feelings.

4. You Put Other People before Yourself – All the Time

You Put Other People before Yourself – All the Time Your personal to-do list is filled not with personal needs, but rather things that you are going to do for other people, always putting them first and yourself second.

5. You Give but Forget to Take

You Give but Forget to Take You give, give, give in your relationships, both romantic and platonic, and you very rarely get anything back because you don’t subtly demand it.

6. You Date Losers or Men That Aren’t Right for You

You Date Losers or Men That Aren’t Right for You You always end up dating a horrible guy because deep down inside you don’t think that any truly great guy would want to be with you. That’s not true!

7. You Don’t Ask for What You Want

You Don’t Ask for What You Want You very rarely pluck up the courage to actually ask for what you truly want, and instead ask for things that you think others are going to be willing to give/do.

8. You Might Find Yourself in an Abusive Relationship

You Might Find Yourself in an Abusive Relationship You seem to attract men who are either emotionally or in worst cases physically abusive, because they think that your meekness will translate in to submissiveness in a relationship.

9. You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men

You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men You go out with guys that appear to be completely emotionally unavailable, but this is just a waste of your precious time.


It's entirely possible that you've got a pattern of choosing partners who keep you at arm's length. If conversations about feelings are met with coldness or deflection, and you're always the one making emotional advances, you're not giving yourself the value you deserve. Being with someone who can't be open with you emotionally is like trying to fill a cup with a hole at the bottom – pointless and disheartening. Your emotional needs are important, and it's crucial to remember that you're worth someone's full emotional investment.

10. You Don’t Voice Your Opinions

You Don’t Voice Your Opinions You are afraid to stand up for yourself and voice your true feelings and opinions on a topic because you are deeply terrified of rocking the boat and having the attention turned on you.

11. You Think Dressing Provocatively Makes You More Attractive

You Think Dressing Provocatively Makes You More Attractive You dress really provocatively on a night out, and that is completely fine if you are doing it for yourself, but are you doing it simply to get some brief vapid attention? You’re worth more than that.

12. You Use Sex as a Weapon

You Use Sex as a Weapon You go straight to using sex as your biggest asset. Perhaps because you are afraid to truly open up to a potential partner and let them see your vulnerable side.

13. You Feel like You Have to Prove Yourself - Constantly

You Feel like You Have to Prove Yourself - Constantly You are constantly taking on new favors for people because you have an innate need to try to prove your worth to those around you.

14. You Stay in Unhealthy Relationships

You Stay in Unhealthy Relationships You tend to stay in a relationship long past its sell by date, as you are scared of a future being single even though you are completely unhappy in the present.

15. You Give Way Too Many Second Chances

You Give Way Too Many Second Chances You continue to give a guy ‘one more chance’ even though he has let you down multiple times and obviously doesn’t respect you enough to change his ways.

16. People Seem to Ignore You

People Seem to Ignore You You continue to spend time with people who seem to appear to listen to what you say, but then completely ignore you.

17. You Don’t Hold Your Own

You Don’t Hold Your Own You find it very hard to speak up for yourself, and as a result seem to get trampled over in every discussion or argument.

18. You Are Always Late

You Are Always Late You tend to turn up late for most events, which gives everybody a bad impression of you. Try to be on time whenever you can!

19. You’re Still Going to the Same Horrible Job Every Day

You’re Still Going to the Same Horrible Job Every Day You stay in a job that you absolutely hate and that doesn’t give you a chance to show off your true skills.

20. You’re Reluctant to Share Your Ideas

You’re Reluctant to Share Your Ideas You are too shy to share your ideas, and as a result it can sometimes look like you didn’t have any in the first place.

21. You Have an Erratic Sleeping Pattern

You Have an Erratic Sleeping Pattern You don’t go to bed until 2 or 3 in the morning, and because of that you are never able to really give it all you have during the day. Sort your sleeping pattern out and you will reap the rewards.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

With am i touched with every point?!

I wish I was another person so I won't have to deal with the life I have.


We must be courageous enough to voice out our opinions if we think we are right.

I agree with some


Some of these are so true..... But I do believe a good father figure has a lot to do with the type of man a woman goes for ...

These are the lessons I've learned from my FIRST guy. Heck I was so immature back then.

Women feel like that because some men don't treat them right. The women suffer so much but they have to stand up for them selves no matter what. It's a good article

Excellent article. TY

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