11 Amazing Ways to Be Lovely and Irresistible ...

Berrion Aug 14, 2013

11 Amazing Ways to Be Lovely and Irresistible ...
11 Amazing Ways to Be Lovely and Irresistible ...

I’ll be the first to admit I adore when people mind their manners, especially women - I just think that when you mind your manners you find perfect ways to be lovely. Iconic women like Eleanor Roosevelt, Audrey Hepburn, and Michelle Obama have set prime examples and these are just a few ways to be irresistibly lovely.

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1. Blissfully Beautiful

Of all the amazing ways to be lovely, being happy is the easiest. If you keep your interest and passion first, then it will undoubtedly be easy for you to stay happy. Also being happy is key to being healthy. Audrey Helpburn once said, "I believe happy girls are the prettiest." I agree!

2. Making Your Mark

Being successful is another one of the incredible ways to be lovely. Many times people measure their success by the amount of material possessions they have. However material things don’t always mean that you’re super successful; remember that other things in life such as a happy family and personal health are also considered parts of success.

3. Happy and Healthy

Another one of my favorite ways to be lovely is by being beautiful. Appreciate what you have and work from the inside out. People say that beauty is only skin deep, however, I believe that beauty illuminates from the inside out. Be happy, be healthy, be beautiful!

4. Live and Love

I’m sure many of us have heard the whole "you’re spoiled" or the "you’re high maintenance" lines at one point or another. However getting what you deserve is one of the best ways to be lovely. Sometimes people misconstrue having standards for being too picky. Just remember don’t settle for anything less than the best. If someone ever says, "you’re being compared to the best" remind them that you’re the greatest and keep it moving.

5. Big Happy Family

When I was growing up I heard that saying ‘blood is thicker than water’ numerous times, and then I realized that it really is true. Not only this but caring for family is another one of the awesome ways to be lovey. Most cultures value the fact women cater to the needs of everyone and honestly, it’s something that you should take pride in because we are truly the glue that holds everything together at times.

6. Cool Connections

Among the easy ways to be lovely is making connections. Make long lasting friendships with people. The friends who are always there make everything much easier. Not only this, but these connections can last for lifetimes and also come with perks like GNO!

7. Finally Fulfilled

Ways to be lovely also includes being personally fulfilled. That means to accept what you’ve accomplished in life! It runs hand and hand with success. You can’t have one without the other. Go ahead, get comfortable with yourself.

8. Iconic!

Some women truly have their own style which causes them to be icons, but another one of my favorite ways to be lovely is by embodying icons or becoming my own icon. I adore the styles of Audrey Hepburn and Michelle Obama. I take some of their classic looks and make them my own, which becomes even the more lovely! Try it... you never know unless try!

9. Humble and Humane

My three role models are all lovely women who are known for their philanthropic works, which is my personal favorite of all the ways to be lovely. I love giving, and any woman who likes giving or gives at all is considered lovely automatically. However the loveliest thing is to give and be humble about it. Keep this in mind and I’m sure you’ll start hearing how lovely you truly are. One of m favorite quotes about this is from Ghandi, who advised,"Be the change you want to see in the world."

10. Mind Your Manners

When I was a little girl my mother told me that my manners say a lot about the person I am; she would force me to have excellent manners at all times, and that’s probably the one of the simplest ways to be lovely. "Please" and "thank you" go a long way, and keeping this in mind will make you just flawless and lovely from the start.

11. Shoulders Back, Head up, & Strut!

Amongst the ways to be lovely, your walk is most important. If you carry yourself with poise and elegance you are truly lovely. Every thing mentioned before matters most when you have a confident strut to accompany it.

Whenever I leave a room, I love to leave people talking in a good way. Being lovely is one of the best ways to leave people wondering and talking. These are just the things I keep in mind at all times. Do you have any things that you consider your top ways to be lovely? Let me know!

Feedback Junction

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nothing shows but a freaking picture

Dressing modest is lovely also;)

deffo minding manners is a must

This arrival was lovely! I just have one thing to add: lean forward when people are talking to you. This shows that you are totally imersed in what they are saying and will lead them to keep talking revealing more about them self.

Adding on what you mentioned about minding your manners, I really agree with. Especially women who keep to themselves and not pry into others' lives. That's the most attractive quality, it shows confidence. Good article <3

Lol, what?

Absolutely Lovely!

*how to be a woman in the 1950s

inspiring article!

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