7 Motivational Fortune Cookies That'll Help You Succeed ...


The fortune cookie from above has been trending on Imgur, because it gives some pretty great life advice. Sometimes, you might get better tips from a cookie than from your own friends and family members. With that in mind, here are a few more fortune cookies that deserve your attention:

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1. Always Be Modest

You don't have to brag to show the world how amazing you are.

2. Experience and Bad Judgment


This is why you should never be ashamed of your mistakes.

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3. Look in the Right Places

This is true, so keep it in mind.

4. Be Practical

You can still be a dreamer while being practical.

5. Absurd Ideas

Sometimes, the craziest ideas are the best ones.

6. Determination

These traits are the key to success.

7. Nothing in Life is to Be Feared

You're a brave woman, so don't get scared!

What's the best fortune cookie you've ever gotten?

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