Crucial Women's Rights We Need to Fight for ...

Olivia Feb 13, 2021

Crucial Women's Rights We Need to Fight for ...
Crucial Women's Rights We Need to Fight for ...

There are many women’s rights we need to fight for in this world. Women are disproportionately affected by many harmful issues in life, which is why, while all human rights must be fought for, there are some that must be focused on in terms of women so the issues can be effectively tackled. Thus, I have compiled a list of several women’s rights we need to fight for.

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1. Getting Rid of Female Genital Mutilation

Of all the women’s rights we need to fight for, the eradication of female genital mutilation tops the list. Over 125 million women and girls that are alive today have experienced female genital mutilation. This painful experience leaves girls dead, bereft of dignity, akin to a more troublesome childbirth, as well as many other calamities. This practice has been around for thousands of years, usually to keep women from experiencing sexual pleasure and to allow men to have a greater sexual experience. This practice is cruel must be fought against to protect the well-being of women all over the world.


2. Eradicating Breast Ironing Practices

The practice of breast ironing involves painfully beating young girls’ breasts with hot objects to suppress breast growth. This is a common practice in several countries in an attempt to suppress girls’ sexuality.


3. Girls, Not Brides

Every year, 15 million girls are married off before the age of 18, and a large portion of these girls are married off to men that are many, many times their age. Many of these girls also describe their first sexual encounter as forced and die from childbirth as their immature bodies cannot bear the burden of pregnancy and labor. This is a tragedy that needs to be addressed and fought against.


4. Rape Prevention

Rape is a terrible crime. Sadly, the facts are: 99 percent of women who are raped are raped by men, and 85 percent of men who are raped are also raped by men. Obviously, not all men rape, but in order to effectively combat this horrid crime, we must focus on those who are most likely to offend.


5. Domestic Violence Awareness

Twenty-five percent of women will experience domestic violence in their lifetimes. This is a huge women’s issue that needs to be addressed all over the world, as it happens across all cultures.


6. Laws regarding Revenge Porn

Revenge porn has become an epidemic in our society as a way for people to get back at ex-lovers by posting naked pictures they have of them on the internet. As of now, there are no laws against revenge porn, so prosecution for those who upload these pictures is nearly out of the question.


7. Stopping Acid Attacks

Acid attacks overwhelmingly occur to women, mainly in patriarchal societies where a woman denies the advances of a man. Those who survive acid attacks suffer immense pain, both physically and emotionally, and are often looked at as the dregs of society after they are attacked. This violence needs to be addressed and stopped.


There are many women's rights that we need to fight for. What other rights do you think we need to address to help promote the equality of women in our society? How do you think we need to go about targeting these issues?

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So pissed off

FGM is the most important as you point out. However,when living up country in Liberia some years ago,we lived next door to a local family. The rather well endowed young girl disappeared into the bush for a few days for this big moment in her life. On return she was all dressed up in her finery of bells ,jewelry etc bare breasts though and they all had a big party. She then kept making a very deliberate play at my husband ! She was up for grabs but he just dived indoors ! We tend to forget that for some of these girls they view it as " now I am a woman" stage of life.

They're so scared of is they have to beat us down.. K I shut up for real now lol

I agree women are seen as objects in America and it will continue as long as women accept it. Rap culture is a huge contributor to this unfortunate epidemic and I have taken a personal stance to boycott it. I do not listen to rap music, purchase it, or watch music videos. It's sad and a real slap in the face to women's rights pioneers.

Okay here we go. First off all the ladies who say "it doesn't matter" "every guy watches porn" "you're over reacting" UM. Just stop. The women who defend this obscenity should be ashamed of them selves. First off us women need to stick together so obviously if it bother one of us enough to ask the question if they should be worried about porn, other woman's answer shouldn't be justifying that bullshit. That's disgusting. Not one person can explain how you're suppose to be okay with you're boyfriend/husband/whatever looking at another woman touch her self in order to get off. This is the most pathetic act men have yet to do. They have wonderful loving spouses who satisfy them and if they don't and there's issues with there sex life that can't be resolve maybe the resolution is finding someone else you respect enough to not drool over disgusting pictures/videos of other woman in order to "satisfy" your self just bc your not getting what you want from the person your with, obviously if that man really cares about you he wouldn't need to turn to another woman just to get off. If you are not satisfying enough then it's time to move on and I know what you ladies are thinking.. How can you say this.. To break up over porn. FUCK YES. Bc if your "man", let's call him that 😒 needs to turn to ANOTHER WOMAN. Yes ladies that is another real woman who exist, breathes the air you do and walk, talks, and laughs just like you and he's fantasizing over HER while your there in person for HIM?! And you're still there willing and having sex with him!!! How is that not a red flag that you obviously don't mean enough to him that he can't even have that much respect for you to not fantasize about another woman, that's just you not being good enough! Worse part, and really think long and hard about this one. SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW HE EXISTS AND HE STILL TURNS TO HER RATHER THAN YOU!!!! That's the most pathetic part of it all! While you're beautiful selves are there worrying about looking good and pleasing him he's there in a corner touching him self to a woman that could carless if he died in a hole tomorrow. You need to really see your self worth and ask your self how little he must think of you that he can so easily turn to another woman bc he's not "getting what he wants from you" fuck what he wants! What about what we want??! What about wanting an honest loving man who only has eyes for you and desires you enough that if he has needs he will turn to YOU! And if you are not in the mood the love between you two should be enough for this "man" to wait till your ready!!! Respect your self women. Don't be those nasty whores your men watch. Be the strong, beautiful, self respecting woman you want your daughters to be. We need to take the advice our mothers have always given us about self respect and meaning more bc ladies you are worth so much more than that. You will find a man who desires you and only you and would never disrespect you ESPECIALLY for another woman. Those men are just proving to you that you will never be good enough, he will NEVER appreciate you. you decided whether or not you want to live that way and be viewed in such a worthless way.

I was raped last September by my crazy controlling sociopathic ex.I haven't got my justice but I'm still struggling.

First of all; All of this is true. But to point six: I live in germany and we already have a law like that. Meaning whoever posts pictures like that without asking the other first could get sued or has to pay a very high amount of money since it's… We say hurting the highly-intimate privacy of the other person. I don't know how one says it in english

All the creeps get numb junk

I agree, @Crystal. These are real problems. I didn't even know about some of these. Very great/informative article!

Ok I'll shut up now

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