Totally Real Reasons You Should Write from Your Own Life Experiences ...


Totally Real Reasons You Should Write from Your Own Life Experiences ...
Totally Real Reasons You Should Write from Your Own Life Experiences ...

Here's why you should write from your own life experiences.

When you write your own story, it's original. There's nobody else in your head but you. Life has no pattern or certain road to take, but you just have to keep going. Sometimes you try your best, sometimes you have to breathe. Sometimes it's stormy, sometimes it's calm. Finding the balance to make a decision depends on you. Right or wrong in your eyes or in other peoples eyes, just take responsibility. Because it's when you take responsibility that you make peace with yourself and make room for growth. Whatever your endeavor, just take heart and just be you. Forgive yourself and make peace with your past so it keeps you from life's resentments, drudgery and vain feelings. We all go through struggles, just different versions of it. How you value your life is up to you. Have faith, Stay strong. That's why you should write from your own life experiences.

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