10 Reasons to Volunteer for Girls Who Want to Give Back ...


10 Reasons to Volunteer  for Girls Who Want to Give Back ...
10 Reasons to Volunteer  for Girls Who Want to Give Back ...

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience which you can relive over and over again. And there are so many reasons to volunteer.

In fact, it is researched and reported now that volunteering can leave a long-lasting positive impact on one’s overall health.

“While everyone benefits from a little boost in physical health, long-term volunteers have longer lives, less disease, and better overall health,” The Balance explains.
Here are 10 great reasons to volunteer today.

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1. Meet New People

One of the best reasons to volunteer is that you can make new friends. When you volunteer you can meet other volunteers and make new connections. Since you both volunteer at the same place you may have the same interests and like to do the same things. You may also get the opportunity to meet customers and talk to them about their day. In the social setting, you may even meet business connections and have the ability to network with others.

2. Local and International Locations

According to Habitat for Humanity, there are several different places where you can volunteer. “Many organizations offer the option of traveling to make a difference,” Habitat for Humanity explains. There are also opportunities to volunteer in various fields in local communities as well.

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3. Have a New Hobby

If you have always wanted to try something new, volunteering can be a way into an organization or hobby. Who knows? You may end up doing something you love that you never knew about before. By putting yourself in a new environment you will learn more.

4. New Experiences

Volunteering can add to your resume as well. Some companies now have volunteer days where their employees are encouraged to help their community. You can also try to grow from the ground up if you are volunteering in the industry that you are interested in.

5. Help Others

Another benefit of volunteering is you can help others. You don’t need to be an expert in the field. But you can contribute something. For example, if you are an excellent painter you can volunteer with an organization and paint something in your community.

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6. Recommended for Those Who Went through Trauma

Volunteering can also help those who are trying to recover from a traumatic event. “…Volunteering can be a great way to challenge the sense of helplessness that often accompanies trauma,” Help Guide says, “remind yourself of your strengths and reclaim your sense of power by helping others.”

7. Better Health

Volunteering can have a positive impact on your health.
According to The Balance, volunteering can improve your happiness, self-esteem, emotional stability, and mental state of mind. “Volunteering gives people the tools they need to be happier, healthier, and well-rounded individuals,” The Balance says.

8. Help the Organization

Volunteers are also helping the company they are volunteering for by being there to support and represent the company. The volunteers are helping the company by supporting their mission and values. Some companies really need extra help so it can be beneficial to both the volunteer and the company or organization they are working for.

9. Physical Exercise

When you volunteer you could be engaging in exercise, which will be good for your health.Some volunteering can be in very active environments including working on projects or events.

“Volunteering that requires physical energy may be more motivating than just walking around the block,” The Balance explains.

10. Feel Human

One of the most important aspects of volunteering is your ability to show human kindness towards other human beings. If you feel like you want to give back, volunteering your time can have a positive impact on your own well-being.You will be able to see and feel your hard work and dedication.

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