Mind-Blowing Ways Working Women Inspire Us Every Day ...

Alison Aug 18, 2016

Mind-Blowing Ways Working Women Inspire Us Every Day ...
Mind-Blowing Ways Working Women Inspire Us Every Day ...

If you're planning to go back to work after having children, you may be feeling a bit guilty that you don't want to or can't be a full-time parent. But you shouldn't feel bad about working. Sometimes we need to work for economic reasons, or because we wouldn't be happy being at home all day. Here's why working women are an inspiration to all of us …

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1. Equality

Women might be the ones who have to give birth, but why should they automatically be the ones to stay at home? Dads can be just as good at providing childcare! Or perhaps both parents want to work outside the home. Women have an equal right to enjoy a career; not everyone is made for full-time childcare.

2. They're Making a Financial Contribution to the Family

It's a fair exchange if one parent works while another provides the childcare. But some want to support their family financially as well. Working moms are making a financial contribution to the family and are showing their kids the importance of earning their own money.

3. They're Showing That Women Can do Everything Men Can

Working women show that women can do anything that men can. Some professions are still very much male dominated, although things are slowly changing. The more working women there are, the greater the chance of women making their mark in business. And also, it shows that women don't have to give up work when they have children (there are still people who believe that!).

4. Looking after Your Future

Working women show that there is life after having kids, and that it's smart to take care of your financial future by working and saving. Taking a career break can seriously affect your career prospects, especially if you're in a profession that's constantly changing and developing. You should always ensure that you'll have enough money to live in retirement, and that you can support yourself.

5. They're Being Realistic

Another example that working women offer is that they're being realistic. Being a parent is a very important job, and some women want to devote themselves to that job. Others recognise that they need more in their lives, and by working they are being a happier person. That doesn't mean they are short-changing their kids; a happy parent is better for everyone.

6. They Have Time Management Skills

Working moms are excellent at time management - they have to be! They need to pick their kids up, be at work on time, do their share of household jobs and fit in leisure activities. Moms know everything there is to know about organising a household and making sure everything gets done.

7. They're Determined

Working women are pretty determined. They want to earn their own money and have a balance in their lives (as lovely as kids are, being with them full-time isn't for everyone). They want to enjoy 'adult time' as well as raise their kids, and value their career. And they find a way to make it all work, in spite of the complications that can be involved!

You shouldn't feel bad if you want or need to work - and equally, if you prefer to be a full-time parent you shouldn't feel guilty that you're not earning. Each family has to make the right decisions for them. Did your mom work, and how did you feel about that?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Whoops. What I meant to say is that we all struggle, with 'having it all', with equality, (still!) and many of us do many thankless things throughout the day and we don't get a pat on the back about it. I'm a career woman, but I don't think I deserve all the accolades -- many women out there work all day long and don't receive a cent or recognition for it.

Single moms have no choice. I'm one. If I don't work, who pays the rent and brings home groceries to eat? I'm it. I'm the only one. Yes, I can be very angry at the father, but I would still probably be alone doing everything for myself anyway. I get lonely. I get tired. But this is a better option than being with someone who wants to control and stifle me. I'll take this load onto myself any day. No man will control how I feel, and how I raise my child with love. Period.

Wait, women are allowed to work? Next thing you'll be telling me is that they're allowed to drive and vote! Women should be inspired to greatness whether they work in OR outside the home, whether they are collecting a paycheck or they are a homemaker. There are millions of us amazing women out there from all walks of life -- and yet we still struggle--

I see exactly what the post is saying.y mother worked and I crowd whenever she left me withy aunt. Now she has influenced me in a great way but then if I have kids I would be a stay at home mum I'd a husband to support me so it all depends on the circumstances.if.

"They are showing that women can do everything men can do..." Please, who ever wrote this is really lacking in education, specifically regarding history and the flaws of the feminist movement. Women are not men there is no comparison. Woman can choose to bring new life into this world and nourish it and see it flourish completely independently what man can do that? The flaw in the feminist movement is that they forgot that then and continue too. Instead of fighting for the rights of women they fight for this "equality" - for the rights of men. Sad. I don't want to be a man. I am not a man. Women's rights should include protection for mothers and it should extend to our children. It does not. That was completely swept under the rug. Women all around the world remain the single largest group of "people" who are subjected to an unrelenting racism (read the definition) that prevails today. Wake up ladies!!! We are women and we are capable of so much more than men. We deserve more than "equality". There is no true "equality" anyway. We are still under paid compared to our male counterparts. Did you know your medical care is largely base on science, research and evidence, that is based on men? Start to see yourself as a woman who is powerful and incredibly capable. Drive to be a woman NOT a man. Teach little girls to be strong and bold and to recognize the differences in being a woman. Stand together not divided by those who have careers and those who raise their own children. Why is it we are denied to truly having both? Why must women chose their child over their career or vice versa? Contrary to popular belief you cannot "have it all" (Guess who is still doing the majority of the homemaking while trying to breastfed and hold down a career. Something(s) must and will be sacrificed. Women will never be just like men nor should they wish to be. KellyPatricia

I enjoy being a working mom I love my husband but wouldn't want to depend on him to be the sole bread winner .

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