7 Ways to Make More Use of Your Time ...

Jordin Oct 27, 2013

7 Ways to Make More Use of Your Time ...
7 Ways to Make More Use of Your Time ...

With ways to make more use of your time, you can check off your to-do list while keeping your sanity. The day often just seems to get away from us before we can bat an eye, doesn’t it? You can avoid the issue of running out of time by learning ways to make more use of your time. You will find time during the day you didn’t know existed!

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1. Multitask

Multitasking is one of the top ways to make more use of your time! Women have done it for centuries, and it still works. Don’t try to do so many things at once that you feel overloaded, but do remember that multitasking is easy, usually a great solution, and can save a lot of time throughout your day.

2. Take Advantage of Little Clips of Time

How many little clips of time are thrown away during your day? Between commutes, waiting rooms, and time spent on hold, you could be throwing away a few hours without realizing it! Use these times to make phone calls, catch up on Facebook, read your homework, or make a grocery list.

3. Get Rid of Time-wasters

We all have them: little time wasters that take up more of our precious minutes than we care to admit! It’s usually social media, but not always. It could be something like stopping to chat for 30+ minutes with co-workers, or deciding to browse the clearance an extra 15 minutes on your lunch break. Figure out what your time-wasters are and nip them in the bud! This will save you extra time throughout the day.

4. Create a Schedule

Having a schedule can really help you itemize and prioritize your day. When you know what to expect, and around what time to expect it, then your day will run more smoothly with less wasted time. I’m a big planner, and creating a schedule and trying to stay on track has really helped me to make the most of my day!

5. Lunch Breaks

Your lunch break is one slot of your day that can be utilized to really get things done! You could run errands, catch up on episodes of your favorite show, or pay bills. Being that most lunch breaks are 45 minutes to an hour long, you shouldn’t have to skip eating in order to get things done on your lunch break!

6. Social Media Interruptions

I have a habit of leaving Facebook open while I work, or checking Twitter on my phone throughout the day. It can really slow down progress! So I started designating certain times to check my phone and Facebook notifications. Unless you’re expecting an important call or email, try to steer clear of your phone and social media except during those few designated slots throughout the day.

7. Get Your Priorities in Order

I have what I call a “goal rule.” I set three main goals per day to accomplish, and then let the rest be bonuses. And always tackle the biggest, most time-consuming, or most important task first. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to finish. Having priorities helps your day not go to waste!

Do you find yourself losing precious minutes during your day due to poor time management? With these tips, that will be a thing of the past! Time is nothing to be wasted, so make sure you put these suggestions to good use. Thanks for reading!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This really is helpful!!! I'm going to implement a few of these into my school routine

I dug this, gonna set up my own schedule cause I know I can lolly gag then be mad when I can't get everything done. Thanks!

Or stop reading this LOL

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