7 Things You Should Never Want to Change about Your Life ...

Holly Feb 13, 2014

Everyone wishes that their life were different, but there are certain things you should never want to change. Your traits, family, and past are all little pieces of you that make you who you are. It's normal to daydream about a different life, but here are some things you should never want to change:

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1. Your Family

No matter what your family has done to you, you shouldn’t wish that you had a different set of parents. Their DNA is what created you. You wouldn’t be the person that you are if they didn’t get together to have you. One of the things you should never want to change is your lineage. Although you might not get along with them, they’re the reason you exist, and that’s something special.

2. Your past Mistakes

There are memories that keep you up at night. There are mistakes that you wish you could take back. Unfortunately, time travel doesn’t exist yet. You can’t take your past actions back, so you have to learn to live with them. If you never made mistakes, you’d never be able to learn from them. Instead of focusing on the things you regret, focus on the things you learned from the experience.

Frequently asked questions

Well, some things make you who you are, and changing everything might mean losing a part of yourself. Keeping certain constants can give you stability and gratitude.

That's personal for everyone, but maybe it's something you are really passionate about or a relationship that makes you feel truly happy and loved.

Listen to your gut! If it brings you joy, comfort, or a sense of identity, that's probably something worth keeping the same.

It could be overwhelming and you might lose track of who you really are. Embrace change where it's needed, but hold onto what you love.

Absolutely! Some values, like love from family or childhood memories, tend to stay the same. They are part of the core of who we are.

3. Your Looks

If you’re displeased with your hair color or weight, you can change it. However, you should be proud of the things you can’t change, like your height and skin color. Yes, there are people that look different than you that are gorgeous. However, there are plenty of people with your traits that are just as beautiful. Stop worrying about what you look like, and be happy that you’re alive at all.

4. Your Intelligence

There’s nothing wrong with striving to acquire more knowledge. You should always be open to learning new things. However, don’t stress out if you’re struggling in your calculus or chemistry class. Some people are better at certain things than others are. Don’t put yourself down for having trouble in particular areas.


Intelligence is a complex concept, and everyone's intelligence is different. It's important to remember that intelligence is not only related to academic success, but also to problem-solving, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

It's important to recognize that intelligence is not a fixed trait; it can be developed and improved. Everyone has the potential to learn and grow, even if they struggle with certain topics. It's important to challenge yourself and push yourself to learn new things, but it's also important to be patient with yourself and recognize that everyone learns at their own pace.

There are many ways to increase your intelligence, such as reading, learning a new language, or studying a subject in depth. It's also important to practice self-care and take breaks to keep your mind sharp and focused. Additionally, it's important to practice mindfulness and be aware of your thoughts and feelings.

It's also important to remember that intelligence is not just academic. There are many different types of intelligence, such as interpersonal intelligence, emotional intelligence, and physical intelligence. It's important to recognize that everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and that intelligence is not just one-dimensional.

5. Your Childhood

The town you grew up in and the people you associated with helped shape you. There’s an argument about nature versus nurture, but really, both contribute to who you are. If you grew up in a different town, you’d be a completely different person. If you like who you are, then you should never wish that your childhood was any different.

6. Your Dreams

Your dreams might be difficult to reach, but that doesn’t mean that you should wish for easier goals. If you want to be an author, don’t question it. Don’t force yourself to find a more practical career, so that you have an easier time achieving your goals. If you want something, go for it. Every challenge requires work, so put in your best effort!

7. Being Alive

On a bad day, you might feel like you want to die, but you have to keep on surviving. It can be hard to remember how precious life is when things always go wrong, but you should try to appreciate what you have. Never wish to die. Greatness awaits you, but you have to keep living in order to experience it.

Be happy with who you are, and true happiness will follow. Instead of wishing that your life were different, try to think about how much you love the person you’ve become. What do you like the most about your life?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Your looks was a good one,

Hmm I hate when people say you should always love /respect your parents bla bla bla.. What if your so called parents have been Absolutley horrid to you your entire life? You have every right to feel you want other parents. The author basically judged,you have to cut the line somewhere when people just give you misery most of the time,blood makes you related,loyalty makes you family.

This article had potential to be really good. But there are terrible parents out there. Parents that scream at their kids that they're worthless and stupid and destroy them. And those children will always wish to have different parents. Some kids try to commit suicide more than five times because they can't live with their parents. Some dreams are impractical, and recognizing that is important. If you're stupid, fixing that is important to survive in this world. Past mistakes can define a person. If you kill ten people, yeah, you're gonna learn from it, but if you hadn't made that mistake, you wouldn't need to learn from it. Same goes with any mistake. The "your looks" section was the on,y one that really is true. Sorry.

Love this!

Good article

Holly you are one of my favourite authors on here - if not my most favourite. Your articles are excellent. But I feel you've missed something in this one. I think for people who have survived extreme circumstances of abuse or trauma, things like family and childhood, could very well be things someone would want to change - which is absolutely ok and valid. To say one should never want to change those things, seems to come from the assumption everyone grew up within an"ok" or "normal" family unit. Which unfortunately isn't the case. And in these cases, the family often has nothing to do with the surviving and thriving adult the child/victim becomes. They get there on their own. I just felt that needed to be said.

I really badly want to change # 7,1 and 2 in that order.

.."and be happy that you’re alive at all."- Hilarious

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