7 Things You Should Never Say to Introverts ...

Corina May 28, 2014

There are a few things you should never say to introverts if you don’t want to hurt their feelings or even annoy them. Introverts do have certain characteristics that define them and no matter how hard you try to change certain things about them, you just can’t do it. While extroverts recharge when they are around people, introverts need to spend some time alone every day, so they can function properly. There are a lot of people who don’t understand them and think that they act this way just because they’re selfish, rude or arrogant, and the truth is that they couldn’t be more wrong. Here are a few very important things you should never say to introverts if you treasure their happiness and well-being:

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1. You Are so Quiet

In my opinion, this is definitely one of the most important things you should never say to introverts, since you will only hurt their feelings and affect their well-being. They are not in fact quiet, they just like to analyze things before they speak and that’s why, before making a decision, they just have to gather all the facts. I don’t see this as a flaw; they are just wiser and more cautious.

2. Why Are You so Sad?

This is a question I hear way too often! We are not feeling sad; we just relax and feel good in your company. Just because we’re not talking too much, it doesn’t mean that we’re upset, rude, arrogant or that we don’t like you. There’s nothing wrong with us or with you for that matter, we are just chilling.

3. Lighten up!

Introverts are good at noticing all the details of a certain thing, they like to analyze all the facts before making a decision and that’s why they are often perceived as being way too serious. Like I’ve said before, just because one of your introverted friends is a bit quiet, it doesn’t mean that they’re upset or uptight. They just like to watch and listen more and there’s nothing wrong with that.

4. You Need to Get out More!

In order to function properly, introverts need to spend some alone time every day, so they’ll be able to recharge their batteries. They actually like being alone sometimes and they feel good by themselves. They can easily find different ways to entertain themselves and that’s why they don’t feel the need to go out every night and hit the clubs to have fun.

5. Don’t Be so Shy!

Not all introverts are shy, they are just highly sensitive people who like to observe first and then say what’s on their mind. Just because they are not saying much, it doesn’t mean that they are afraid of saying something; they just need more time to make a decision and get to know the others a little better first.

6. Why do You Hate People?

Introverts don’t hate people, they just need to spend some time alone every day in order to recharge their batteries. The truth is that they don’t feel good in large group gatherings, but if they’re with their friends, then they just don’t need anyone else in order to have fun. They like to get to know people over a period of time and they don’t like to rush things.

7. Live a Little!

They actually do and they are living an extremely happy and fulfilled life, even if it may seem that they are doing exactly the opposite. They just don’t like to share all the wonderful things that they are doing on social media and they don’t feel the need to be around other people all the time.

There are a lot of misconceptions about introverts out there, but try to get to know them first and understand their reasons for acting the way they do before making any hasty decisions. Do you know any other things someone should never say to an introvert? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!

Sources: thoughtcatalog.com, cosmopolitan.com, thequietkiwi.blogspot.ro

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

im an introvert and i completely agree with everything you just mentioned. Thank you for posting this so people can get a better understanding about people like me

I'm definitely an introvert and I hear this everyday! I hate it. I don't mind being quiet and not being heard; but I do mind when someone points it out. I'm an introvert and I don't mind!

ahhh i hear this mostly everyday...the boys in my class are always asking me the same question..like why am i so quiet, why dont u go with the girls...why are you alone....i dont understand these kind of people. i just love being alone sometimes..why do people have to be nosey

Oh my gosh!! I hear this all the time! Ah!

Thanks a lot for this article. There is someone so close to my heart n to whom I used to say all these.... U jus opened my eyes....I dint realize these things.. Once again thanks a ton!

love this

Thank you for posting this article. It's right on!! I'm an introvert and love it!!

Yes, some things in this article were repetitive but the main ideas were right on point ! A lot of these statements describe me very well.

good article but agree a lot of the stuff on here SUPER repetitive. I wasn't learning anything new from one post to another ..

you need a social life and to have fun so I'm gonna set you up on a blind date with my husbands best friend! I won't take no for an answer!

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