Wonderful Things in Nature to Make You Feel Better ...

Bethaya Oct 30, 2023

Wonderful Things in Nature to Make You Feel Better ...
Wonderful Things in Nature to Make You Feel Better ...

There are lots of things in nature that make you feel better. Having a tough day? Week? Year? I understand. Sometimes things can be so overwhelming. But there are so many little things that can make you smile, even a little bit.

The butterfly is a beautiful metaphor for life.

Trees are a reminder of invisible works.

And, the weather is a reminder that life has its ups and downs but there’s always a sun behind the clouds. Here are some great things in nature that make you feel better.

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1. Butterfly

There are so many little things in nature that can make a moment brighter and a butterfly is one of the best things in nature that make you feel better.

I think about how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. But more than that, how it needs to go into a cocoon before it reaches its final form. Just like us. We don’t start out great. In fact, a lot of people don’t like the first quarter of their life. People didn’t like high school or having to be in school at all. Some people didn’t fit in. Some people had a hard home life. Others couldn’t find themselves or learn to love themselves.

I think of all that time in school as being a caterpillar.

Then there’s the cocoon. Now, the cocoon isn’t really any better than being a caterpillar. It’s dark. There’s not a lot of space. Just like the time after you finish school. You have a general direction but you don’t really know where to go.

No one talks about the life crisis a lot of people have after college or when they leave home. I know so many people struggling to find themselves now that don’t have any instructions.

But one day, you will be a butterfly. I don’t know when it starts. I think it’s different for everyone. But, it will happen. Then you will be free and you can fly.

2. Trees

I find trees so interesting because they survive some of the harshest conditions. When they are young, they are fragile just like us, but as they grow, they become something bigger than just a tree. They become a reminder of time. They show us that life is short but something great can come out of it.

Trees help us breathe but it’s not a process that can be seen. How interesting is that? The trees create oxygen that we breathe and we don’t see anything happening at all. But we count on the fact that when we breathe in, there will be oxygen in the air.

It shows you that even if everyone is against you, nature is rooting for you. No pun intended.

3. Weather

Rain can come in, clouds can roll in, but the sun is still in the background somewhere. It’s a metaphor for that light in the darkness.

It shows us that we can keep going because it will be okay one day. Because one day the sun will shine down on us again.

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