The Cardinal Rules of Life for Women Who Are Feeling Lost ...


The Cardinal Rules of Life for Women Who Are Feeling Lost ...
The Cardinal Rules of Life for Women Who Are Feeling Lost ...

If you are lacking direction, feeling lost, or just not sure where to go next then these cardinal rules for life are just what you need. By following these 7 simple rules, you will see improvements in your life and how you feel about yourself. Check it out.

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Simple, right? All you have to do is make an effort to smile more. Smile at someone you pass on the street. Smile at someone who looks a little sad. Smile because everything is going to be just fine.


No Comparing

You can’t compare yourself to others. You don’t know what their life is all about and they don’t know what yours is about either. Stop comparing and enjoy your own journey. Feel blessed for you what you have because somewhere there is someone else feeling blessed for having much less than you.


Forget about What Others Think

First off, someone else’s thoughts are really none of your business, even if they are about you. That stings a little, but let that truth set you free. Don’t worry about the opinions of others. You can’t change what they think or how they feel anyways.


Stop Thinking so Much

While we are on the subject of thinking, why don’t we just stop that one altogether? Not completely, but let’s not overthink things anymore. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers. No one should expect that from you, but you will have the answers you need when you need them most.


Time Heals

Know that some things just take time to heal. You can’t rush through the process, but know that your hurts will eventually get better over time if you allow the process to happen. Take it day-by-day until it’s a distant memory.

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Only You Can Control Your Happiness

Yes! Your happiness is not dependent upon another person. Having a man won’t make you happier, having a baby won’t make you happier. Only you and your actions can control your happiness. What are you going to do about it?


Make Peace with the past

Don’t allow the past to control your present life. Make peace with it. Know that your past mistakes, behaviors, and relationships will only affect your present life if you let them. Forgive and move on.

Following these cardinal rules will help you find peace and direction in life. What are some major rules you follow for yourself? Do you think any of these will help you?

Feedback Junction

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@Alyx sorry didn't intend to offend you or anybody

@sharon believing in God is a religious thing. Just the way you worded it sounded very pushy, you wanted to add it to the list, it wasn't just sharing your views. All I'm saying is be careful in the future, you can offend people that way.

Great post. I am trying the smiling thing but I get a bit worried that people won't smile and yet when I dare to do so people smile back. How silly am I to think otherwise. It's a good feeling try it

@sharon I wasn't in the slightest bit offended by your comment and doubt many people would be regardless of beliefs. I just wanted to say how gracious you were in your responses though. You sound like a lovely person.

@kailee wow you are just attacking me all around aren't you? I'm not young, don't assume things. And yes, in Canada she would get in trouble, its a hate crime to push religious beliefs onto others, especially in public places. It's not a huge fine or a jail sentence, but it is a fine. Canada believes that everybody has their beliefs and nobody should feel bombarded by others pushing their religion on them. This was put in act to protect the Inuit tribes from having to convert to Christianity in order to not get attacked for their religion. I had explained, and also explained again that I meant no offense, and she understood what I was saying, and everything is fine. You are trying to make drama out of something that has already been resolved as a miscommunication. Leave it alone.

@sharon you seem like a nice person

This is one of the best posts here ever! Thank you.

What wonderful thought

@Alyx seriously you think that Sharon is pushing God, these are Sharon's point of view, I don't read her post and feel she's pushing God or religion. And Alex why would she get in trouble for expressing her views? You must be really young and apparently not well versed in your comments. Go check yourself. @sharon, there is absolutely NO NEED to apologize to bullies

I'm trying to be positive but I keep thinking about the future and if something bad from my past comes into my future and how I will deal with it as it comes that's what I hindering me from

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