17 Signs You Are Far from Being a Girly Girl ...


17 Signs You Are Far from Being a Girly Girl ...
17 Signs You Are Far from Being a Girly Girl ...

Being a tomboy is not at all a bad thing. In fact, I was a tomboy when I was a kid. Dressing up? Colors? Fashion? I knew none of it! What I did know was dirt, grit and grime. I knew playing in the woods and never dressing up. If you aren't a girly girl, you'll totally relate to this list!

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Sweatpants Are a Staple … Even outside of the Home

Sweatpants Are a Staple … Even outside of the Home … and inside of the home the second you get home from work.


You Really Don't Deal with Crying Well

You Really Don't Deal with Crying Well Or at all really. When you do cry? It's a big deal.


You Love the No-fuss Haircuts

You Love the No-fuss Haircuts You know, the ones where you don't have to use a ton of products.


You're That Girl …

You're That Girl … … that will play sports, that will get sweaty, that will roll with the boys.


Makeup is so Not Your Friend

Makeup is so Not Your Friend You've tried to be friends … but you can't figure it out.

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You Get Ready so, so Much Faster than Girly Girls

You Get Ready so, so Much Faster than Girly Girls Tousled hair, sweat pants, splash of perfume – you're ready!


Heels and You Aren't Friends …

Heels and You Aren't Friends … Never. Ever again. Pass the Toms over.


Cheerleading Doesn't Really Make Sense to You

Cheerleading Doesn't Really Make Sense to You Not that it is a bad … sport, it just didn't make sense to you.


You Eat a Decent Amount – Even if It's Messy

You Eat a Decent Amount – Even if It's Messy Yes, you can actually devour an entire medium pizza by yourself and you're proud of it.


You've Tried Hair Accessories … but Failed

You've Tried Hair Accessories … but Failed Bows and things? Nope! Nope! Nope!


You've so, so Adventurous

You've so, so Adventurous Like, you love to go hiking and when you swim? You'll get your hair wet.


Besides Sweats, Jeans and a Tee Shirt Are a Staple

Besides Sweats, Jeans and a Tee Shirt Are a Staple And they look so, so hot on you.


You're Not at All a Diva

You're Not at All a Diva You can get dirty, camp, drink and do everything with the best of 'em. Not an ounce of princess is inside of you.


Video Games Are Your Life Sometimes

Video Games Are Your Life Sometimes And you'll tuck yourself away with your Xbox and Mountain Dew.


Fashion, Hair Products, the Newest Trends Are All Foreign to You

hair, nose, hairstyle, brown hair, singer, Glow in the dark hair? Pantone colors? What are those?


When You Dress up?

collage, art, photomontage, You know how to look and you blow EVERYONE away.


You'd Rather Pick Beer over Wine – or Worst, a Fruity, Pink Drink

string instrument, Beer. Good old beer.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Jeans are my usual, as well as the video games - but hey I do like dressing up and a little make up, just rarely happens! If I go out somewhere I take 10-15 mins tops, unless I can't decide what to wear lol!

Except 14 and 17, everything else is true for me.

That's so me. Make up and high heels are ma thang. Showry

I like shopping but I really couldn't give two craps about makeup it's stupid to me I rather go bare faced

OMG! This is so me haha

Well, I guess I'm a very girly girl...

and I'll never understand why girls will spend 3-4 hours pampering up just to go out to clubs :/

*Fist-bumps Regina* Don't feel bad, girl. Same here lol! ;-p


Most true, but not all!

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