There are some shortcuts you will regret taking in life because as you know, “there is no shortcut to anywhere worth going”. In order to succeed, you must be prepared to work hard and to have a lot of patience, because the results of all your efforts won’t show overnight. There’s no substitute for hard work and behind every success story lies a lot of sacrifice and determination. There will always be different obstacles in your path, some a bit easier, other a bit more difficult to overcome, yet you will manage to get to where you want and reach all your goals if you are completely dedicated to reaching your objective, because just like Albert Einstein said: “Genius is 1% talent and 99% effort”. So, just read on and find out what are those shortcuts you will regret taking in life:
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1. Leaving Everything to Chance
In my opinion, one of the most important shortcuts you will regret taking in life is precisely your willingness to leave everything to chance. Take control of your life because you are responsible for your actions! If you completely dedicate yourself to reach a certain goal, then you will definitely fulfill all your dreams. Make a plan and stick to it! Discover what you want and work really hard towards achieving your goals. Don’t leave everything to chance! You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.
2. Taking the Easiest Route Possible
Life can be hard sometimes, yet you shouldn’t lose hope and give up, because you never know what might happen or how things might change if you work hard enough and if you are willing to make some sacrifices in order to reach your objectives. Don’t take the easiest route possible just because it seems a bit more convenient at the time! Facing different challenges is never easy but learn to think of them as ways to help you become the best at what you do. Just like Marc Chernoff said “an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards, and such is life”.
3. Following the Crowd
Just because someone does a certain thing in a certain way, that doesn’t mean you should do the same. Don’t follow the crowd just because it makes you feel safe! Allen Ginsberg once said, “Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.” And he couldn’t be more right! Your craziness is exactly what will help you shine, so never let others dictate you how you should behave or how you should think. Find the courage to be yourself and don’t expect others to completely understand you. Follow your intuition and never give up on your dreams!
4. Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the shortcuts you will definitely regret taking in life. Try to avoid postponing things because if you don’t do a certain thing at the right time, you will never do it right or if you manage to succeed, it will cause you a lot of stress and misery! Usually, you do know that when you say you will deal with a certain thing later, you will rarely get it done. Break out of your comfort zone, challenge your mind and get your hands dirty! You should do everything in your power to reach all your goals and you shouldn’t let anything, prevent you from fulfilling your dreams.
5. Keeping Quiet when You Should Speak up
There are times when keeping quiet is the best thing you can do but that’s not always the case. Keeping quiet when you should speak up is counterproductive. Don’t let other people walk all over you! Learn what assertiveness is and stick up for yourself, defend your rights and at the same time, don’t ignore other people’s well-being. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself as long as you take into consideration other people’s feelings! Say whatever is on your mind, so you would not have any regrets later.
6. Settling for an EASY Life
Who wants a mediocre life? Of course, it might be more comfortable to never take chances or to try to fulfill your dreams. But wouldn’t you ever wonder how might your life be if you would have only taken that chance and you would have pursued your passion? The best things in life take courage, determination, hard work and a bit of madness. You need to take chances sometimes and they will totally be worth it if you manage to reach your goals.
7. Not Making Time to Let People Know How You Feel about Them
Always tell people how you feel about them! If you don’t do it, I’m sure you will regret it one day so don’t let any more excuses like being too tired or too stressed out to prevent you from showing your love and appreciation for those wonderful people in your life. Always make time for the things that matter. Telling or showing your loved ones how you feel about them is definitely something you should never forget to do.
Just like Marc Chernoff said “Getting where you want to go in life is not about finding a shortcut, it’s about putting in the required time and effort.”. Are there any other shortcuts you think people will regret taking in life? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section!