7 Reasons to Look Forward to January ...

Rosalina Dec 22, 2021

7 Reasons to Look Forward to January ...
7 Reasons to Look Forward to January ...

When the festivities end, the New Year blues begin for some people but there are some reasons to look forward to January that are sure to make those people feel excited about the coming year. The atmosphere in January is always a little morose. Everyone has spent their money, those jeans are just too darn tight and the weather is miserable. Fear not. These are some of my reasons to look forward to January.

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1. Bargains Galore

Although some sales start in December, January is often the time when the prices are cut drastically and you can grab some real bargains in the stores and online. From electricals for the home to your favorite fashion items, January is the time to take advantage of the slashed prices, which makes this one of my top reasons to look forward to January.

2. Spring/Summer Fashion

If you're a fan of fashion then January is the time when the spring and summer fashion starts to appear in the shops. Fashion is always a season or two ahead and over the coming months, items will start to appear on the mannequins and in shop windows to whet your appetite. I love looking at what people will be wearing in the spring and summer so it's something I will certainly be looking forward to. And there's fashion week too - I'll just leave it at that!

3. Fresh Starts

New year, fresh starts. This is another one of the great reasons to look forward to January. Forget about the year that has just gone and look ahead to the future where you can make new goals and work towards them.

4. Summer Holidays

Another reason to look forward to January is you can start thinking about the summer holidays. I know, it's important to enjoy the moment and not to wish the year away but looking forward to a holiday and taking advantage of some of the deals on offer is another reason to look forward to January.

5. Snow Games

Depending on where you are in the world, you may have the joys of snow. This means snowboarding, skiing and of course, snow angels! Take advantage of the snow games on offer and the beautiful sight of white.

6. Goals

Goal setting is something that can be done any time of year although many people like the idea of setting goals in the new year. This is another thing to look forward to. Don't worry about the goals you didn't manage to meet in the past year, look forward to the future and the new goals you will be meeting. Whether you're looking to lose a little weight, start that healthy eating regime, work towards that promotion or quit smoking, you can look forward to working towards your goals.

7. TV Shows

You may have spent the last few weeks watching festive movies and reruns on TV. Christmas TV has a great way of making you feel even more festive but January is often a great time for TV too. You can look forward to new TV shows and new seasons of existing shows returning. Get the popcorn and hot chocolate ready for joyous January TV!

So, if you're feeling a little blue about the thought of January, these are just some of the things to look forward to it. Do you have any other reasons to look forward to January?

Feedback Junction

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#1 & #2!!! Love it! Always looking for a reason to go shopping!!!

I do major house cleaning in January. Always makes me feel better!

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