7 Reasons to Let Go of a Grudge You Have Been Clinging to ...

Alicia Mar 15, 2014

There are so many good reasons to let go of a grudge. Grudges are not your friend. They are bad for you in many more ways than you probably even realize. Let’s talk about some very specific reasons to let go of a grudge so you can live a better, happier life.

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1. Grudges Take Energy

Grudges take energy. We really don’t realize how much energy they were sucking from us until we truly let go of them. One of the reasons to let go of a grudge is because of how much energy it is stealing from you. There are so many other things that you could be doing with that energy. Use that energy for good, not for nursing a grudge.

2. Grudges Hurt You

Grudges are not helpful to you in any way. They hurt you. If you are holding a grudge you are more than likely playing the scenes that hurt you over and over in your mind. This feeds the grudge and hurts you every time you think those thoughts. Choose to let go for your own personal benefit.

3. It is Tiring to Hold onto a Grudge

Grudges make you tired. Have you ever held a grudge and thought about how much it cost you? How it emotionally exhausted you? If you haven’t, think about that now. Holding a grudge is mentally and emotionally exhausting.

4. It Keeps You Tied to the Person

You know, this is something I did not realize until I read it. Holding a grudge keeps you tied to the person you have a grudge against. It is like an invisible cord linking the two of you. If you are like me, the last thing that you want is to be tied to someone who hurt you. This is a great motivator to let that grudge go.

5. It Holds You Prisoner

Grudges hold you prisoner. They trap you with their pain. I hate the thought of someone that hurt me inflicting even more pain on me for months or years to come if I hold a grudge. Letting go of a grudge is freeing. I don’t want someone that has hurt me to have access to any more of my life than they have already infringed upon.

6. It is a Good Deed

Setting someone free from a grudge is a good deed. It is kindness, goodness and compassion all wrapped up into one. Realize that when you forgive a grudge you are being the better person and you can pride yourself on that. You can realize that you are so strong that they did not bring you down. It is a sign of your strong sense of self-worth to forgive a grudge.

7. It is Freeing

Forgiving a grudge is freeing to you. It releases you to go on and live your life in a happier, more peaceful way. It frees up a lot of mental space. It breathes new life and health into your emotions. It is one of the kindest things you can do not only for someone else but for yourself. It is only when you forgive a grudge and move on, that you truly realize how captive you were.

It is tempting to hold a grudge but they are so harmful. Have you successfully let go of grudges? Share your story here!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Even though I already know all of this information & have personally experienced the whole situation many, many times, it is gratifying to see that others have experienced & gotten past the whole problem as well. Way to go & keep up the great work!

I really needed to read this and go through it iv been really going back and fourth with a situation that I have held against this girl for a very Long time and I am so very tired of it even being a part of my day I have started the process of letting go of the grudge and I really feel a little more free like a weight is lifted from my shoulders and I don't worrie anymore everything that's ment to be will be and I am glad of the person that I am today because of things that have happened I hope other people realize and set them selfs free . This article helped so thank you .

Wow #4 is interesting. I did not know that.

Easier read than done

Good article. I know this but needed to see it in writing apparently

Good article. This is all true, the process in no way can be minimized. It's work. The results are real. Good luck

Ugh all my in-laws! Thanks for this article

I Really needed this article. Thnks for this, m going to let go of thé grudge n forgive. I hope things fall n place after wich

So what if you are holding a grudge and feel like if you confront the person who is causing the grudge, you might feel like you can move on? Or on the flip side, what if by confronting the person it makes things worse and they lash out at you and you argue... And this is not someone I want to argue with!!! Should I really let it go OR come up with a calm, rational way to confront what stress and anger this person has caused me???

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