9 Quotes from Kermit the Frog the Puppet with a Lot to Say ...


He may only be a puppet and someone else puts words into his mouth, but that doesn’t make the quotes from Kermit the Frog any less worthy of attention. Our little green friend has lots to say and plenty of wisdom to share. Pull up a lily pad and read on for some great quotes from Kermit the Frog.

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1. Life

Life A number of quotes from Kermit the Frog are an observation on life. He has a way of distilling the infinitely complicated to a simple statement we can easily digest and appreciate. This one really appeals to the traveler in me but I think everyone can relate. Too right there are sometimes more rough spots than comfort spots, and many times, we will turn down a road and find ourselves in unfamiliar territory.


Kermit's pearls of wisdom remind us that life's journey isn't meant to be a smooth sail; it's the bumps along the way that shape our experiences and growth. His words resonate with the adventurous at heart and comfort those who find themselves anxious when faced with the unknown. Embracing the twists and turns, just as this endearing frog suggests, can lead to the most rewarding of life's treasures. Despite the uncertainty, there's a beautiful lesson in every challenge we encounter along our path.

2. Green

Green This might seem like such a throwaway comment. Kermit’s a frog. Frogs are green. Ergo Kermit is green. However, if you dig deep into the lyrics of the song “It’s Not Easy Being Green,” there’s a rather fantastic message. “It's not easy being green. It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things. And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water or stars in the sky. But green's the color of spring. And green can be cool and friendly-like. And green can be big like an ocean, or important like a mountain, or tall like a tree.” To me he is saying it doesn’t matter what “color” (or shape, size, race, sex, character) you are – you are beautiful. Embrace your unique beauty.

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3. Talent

Talent Of course you have a talent. Don’t ever stop looking for it and when you find it – nurture it and make the most of it.

4. Advice

Advice He’s a wise little froggy, isn’t he? Never taking yourself too seriously and embracing all your quirks and eccentricities, loving your character traits will help you steer a happier and simpler path through life. As long as, of course, you avoid experts, pigs, and politicians!

5. Happiness

Happiness What a wonderful view on how to spread happiness. Enough said! Way to go, Kermit.

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6. Love

Love We don’t need mass approval. We don’t need a huge circle of people who will affirm our actions and endorse our personality. Sometimes, just knowing there is one person who truly loves you, just for being you, is enough.

7. Life #2

Life #2 How bang on is he? There is no script for life. You get to be the writer, the producer and the director of your own movie called “my life.” Go out there and produce a blockbuster.

8. Wishes

Wishes I think more of us should adopt this as our philosophy on life. The closing sentence is so magical. To me it is saying we SHOULD wish upon that star. We should never give up hoping and wishing. We have to believe that someday, somewhere, our dreams and wishes will come true. I’m happy to keep looking for the rainbow connection – are you?

9. Growth

Growth We don’t know how old Kermy is but we do know that he has the sagacity of a … erm … sage. This is a wonderful way of saying to youngsters, don’t be in such a rush to grow up. And for us adults, it reminds us we’re forever growing, forever learning, forever changing.

As a Brit I grew up without Sesame Street, but I loved the Muppets from their very first show on UK TV. I love them still and I will never tire of quotes from Kermit the Frog. I salute you, my favorite ever amphibian. Do you love the Muppets too?

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Amazing 😊

Ahhh those were really nice quotes. Thanks

Oh! I love this! This is amazing! Thank you!

He's a muppet! Not a puppet

I love all those quotes

Dis piece is awesome

Great post :)

Of course, I still love the muppets show, it's a educative

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