7 Powerful Daily Reminders ...

Melissa May 22, 2013

We need daily reminders to keep us motivated and positive. By letting yourself know each day that you are powerful, beautiful, and intelligent, you will feel empowered to do amazing things and push harder for what you want. Here are 7 powerful daily reminders that I hope you will read to yourself each day for inspiration and strength.

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1. Your past Doesn’t Define You

We’ve all made mistakes. We all have things we want to forget and leave behind. You have to forgive yourself for those mistakes and move on. Just because you failed at something once doesn’t mean you will fail at it again, or that you will fail at something else you try. Add this to your own list of daily reminders and don’t let your past define you.

2. Success Starts outside Your Comfort Zone

Think about that one for a minute. Think about goals you have reached. You probably had to work hard to accomplish them. That hard work probably took you out of your normal routine, but once you started working and got a little more comfortable you started to make progress, right? This is true for everything in life. You want to lose weight, then change what you are doing now and work a little harder. You want to earn more money, then you are going to have to put in more hours. If you are trying to pay off debt, you may need to cut back on some of your spending. Doing all those things takes you outside of your comfort zone, but that’s when you start to see results.

3. Be Your Own Best Friend

We all know the golden rule is to treat others the way we want to be treated, but I argue for another golden rule. We need to treat ourselves the way we expect others to treat us. If you want respect then you need to respect yourself. Think about how you treat yourself. Would you allow your best friend to treat you like that?

4. Don’t Let Fear Win

We all have fears. We are afraid to fail, look stupid, or be rejected. Too often we let our fears win and we never pursue the things we want in life. This is not okay. Don’t let fear win. Cast the fears aside, have faith in yourself and pursue your dreams.

5. Take the First Step

Sometimes we are presented with a journey or a challenge and we don’t know how things might end. Taking that first step is hard, but taking that first step is the only way to get started. Each step after that becomes a little bit easier and soon the picture becomes clearer and we gain more confidence in ourselves.

6. Be You

Being fake takes too much energy. Be who you are! Embrace your quirks, love your imperfections, and celebrate your differences. While you are at it, celebrate the differences of others. How boring would life be if we were all the same?

7. Live with Passion

Do the things you are passionate about. If you neglect your passions, you are going to resent life and feel unfulfilled. I love being around people that have careers involving their passions. They have such a zest for life and a complete joy about them. Strive for that!

What are some things that you remind yourself of daily that help you stay positive? Has anyone ever given you life advice that has had a powerful effect?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Needed to hear this

I just made my background "You're stronger than you think", we need to remind ourselves of these things!

I needed to hear this today.

Loved this article!! Especially that about not letting your fears stop you, I have a phobia of vomiting, so it's difficult for me to be in places and situations I feel like I can't escape, but I decided that shouldn't stop me from taking a trip to Japan, despite having to sit on a plane for so long!! I especially think no one should ever let their fears run their lives!!

I love and its so true when it says ur past doesnt define u , im sure everyone has somthing in life that they regret about but we should always look to future not past

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been struggling a lot lately...getting into trouble, bad grades, feeling terrible, worrying, being diagnosed with autism... This lifted my spirits so much.

All stuff I've heard before but something that should be reminded of daily in the hustle and bustle of life.

Love it!


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