Only Unemotional Women Understand These 17 Things ...

Heather Jan 8, 2022

Only Unemotional Women Understand These 17 Things ...
Only Unemotional Women Understand These 17 Things ...

There are women out there that just aren't emotional. No, we aren't heartless, we aren't robots, we just harness our emotions and keep them in a box sometimes. I'm that way and I know that it's hard for me to become emotional, especially in my marriage. If you are an unemotional woman, it's okay! Take a look below and see if you relate!

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1. Comforting People? You Try...

Comforting People? You Try...

2. You've Been Accused a Lot of Being a Robot

screenshot, Either, she's, evil,, emotionless,,


If you're often on the receiving end of comments suggesting that you're void of feelings, you're not alone. Many women who are perceived as unemotional are questioned about their human authenticity. "Are you a cyborg?" some jest, half-expecting you to short-circuit at the hint of sentiment. Your ability to keep cool under pressure isn't a glitch; it's your superpower. It takes more than an awkward silence or a piercing stare to make you lose your composed demeanor. Yet, there's a gentle irony in being the rock others lean on, while they marvel at your stoic strength.

3. Sometimes, People Say You Are Socially Awkward

Sometimes, People Say You Are Socially Awkward


Many unemotional women find themselves on the receiving end of raised eyebrows and awkward chuckles in social settings. When you respond with logic rather than sentiment, or when your calm, collected demeanor is mistaken for disinterest, it's not uncommon for others to mislabel you as socially inept. But the truth is, your emotional pragmatism may simply not conform to the more expressive reactions people typically expect, especially from women. You navigate conversations with precision and intention, rather than being guided purely by the tides of feeling that can ebb and flow unpredictably in a group setting.

4. You do Get Moved by Movies, but You Don't Cry Often

You do Get Moved by Movies, but You Don't Cry Often


Movies can tug at your heartstrings with their poignant scenes and emotive scores. You find yourself deeply engrossed, riding the rollercoaster of the characters' lives, and even feeling a lump in your throat at the climactic moments. Yet, the tears don't quite spill over. While others might be reaching for tissues, you're more likely to internalize the emotion, letting it resonate on a more subdued level. It's an enigmatic mix of being deeply affected yet outwardly composed, a trait that's often misunderstood by those who wear their hearts on their sleeves.

5. You Try with Kids

You Try with Kids


Women who are often described as unemotional feel particularly misunderstood when it comes to interactions with children. The expectation is for an outpouring of maternal warmth; however, their love and care are conveyed in more practical ways—ensuring safety, providing a strong role model, and encouraging self-sufficiency. While others may not see the depth of their affection, these women know that steadfast support often speaks louder than overt emotional displays. It's a different shade of love, but equally powerful and resonant in the lives of the children they care for.

6. You Struggle with Relationships Because They Don't Understand Your Lack of Emotions

You Struggle with Relationships Because They Don't Understand Your Lack of Emotions


Being unemotional often translates to being misinterpreted as cold or distant in personal relationships. Your partners may feel you're disinterested or that you don't care deeply because you're not outwardly expressive. It's difficult for them to grasp that your feelings don't always show up as a dramatic display, but rather in the quiet, steady ways you support them. This can lead to tension, as loved ones may demand emotional responses you're just not wired to give, creating a chasm born out of a simple misunderstanding of your emotional landscape.

7. You're Friends Come to You when They Need to Calm down

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If your circle inherently senses your tranquil vibe, they will naturally gravitate towards you during their tempestuous moments. It's your equanimity—the way you can cut through the chaos with a few well-placed words or by offering a silent, steady presence. They cherish this, especially when the world whirls in relentless eddies of emotion. It's not that you're a fortress of indifference; rather, you offer a sanctuary of serenity. This unique ability to soothe without swallowing the storm makes you an invaluable confidante and friend.

8. It's Hard for You to Trust

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Having a fortress around your heart isn't something you do by choice—it's a defense mechanism that's sprung up over time. You've probably been let down more than once, leading you to guard your trust like a precious jewel. You know that not everyone deserves a backstage pass to your deepest feelings and vulnerabilities. So, you wait and watch, meticulously assessing whether someone is truly worthy of your trust. And even when you do let someone in, it's a slow and careful process, ensuring at each step that they won't misuse the privilege you've granted them.

9. You Don't Show That You Care a Lot

You Don't Show That You Care a Lot


It’s not that the feelings aren't there, they're just not on display for everyone to scrutinize. Friends and loved ones might assume indifference, but the truth is, the emotions run deep; they're simply safeguarded. A hug or a thoughtful gesture might not come readily, but when it does, it's imbued with genuine sincerity and concern. It’s that calm composure that often masks the deep-seated care and attentive consideration given to the relationships cultivated and cherished.

10. ...but You do, Deep down

...but You do, Deep down


Gif source: All Women's Talk

The notion of being "unemotional" often comes with a misjudgment of indifference. Yet those who identify with this tag know too well that the façade of calm belies a sea of feelings churning beneath. It's not that the emotions are nonexistent, but rather they're kept under a masterful control, accessible when solitude allows for a private unraveling. Beneath the surface lies a depth of passion and sentiment that only a select few are ever granted the access to witness. Because when the walls come down, the intensity of contained feelings can truly be overwhelming.

11. Sometimes, People Believe You Are Ungrateful

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It's often misunderstood when you don't outwardly exude warmth or fuzzy feelings, leading others to mistake your composure for ingratitude. But the reality is, your thankfulness runs deep and does not require ostentatious display; rather, it's conveyed in your consistent actions and reliability. Your practical way of expressing gratitude may not be as conspicuous as others', but it is no less sincere. What matters is being genuine, regardless of how grandly one shows it.

12. … but You Aren't, in Fact, You Are Very Grateful for Everyone in Your Life

… but You Aren't, in Fact, You Are Very Grateful for Everyone in Your Life


Sometimes, the stereotype is that being unemotional means you don't care much for others, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The hidden depth of your appreciation just doesn't always surface in expected, gushy displays. You show your gratitude through reliability, always being there when it counts, and through thoughtful actions that speak volumes more than words ever could. You cherish the strong connections and are fiercely loyal to those you hold dear, using your inner strength to support them in every way you can. It's a more reserved, yet infinitely powerful form of affection.

13. When You Find Someone That Lits Your World on Fire?

When You Find Someone That Lits Your World on Fire?


That exhilarating moment when you meet someone who ignites a spark within you is in a league of its own. Suddenly, you're consumed with passion and your heart beats to a rhythm that screams excitement and adventure. It's as though they've cast a spell on you, and even the most composed and self-reliant woman finds herself basking in the glow of newfound affection. The world seems brighter, and you can't help but marvel at how someone can turn the mundane into something magical. Emotions, often kept under meticulous control, find their freedom in the warmth of this radiant connection.

14. The Emotional Wall Breaks down Completely

The Emotional Wall Breaks down Completely


When all the guards are finally down, there's a flood of feelings that were held back for so long. It's as if a dam has burst, allowing emotions to pour out in a cathartic release. This doesn’t signify weakness; on the contrary, it reflects a profound strength from within. These moments are intimate, raw, and utterly human. Allowing oneself to be vulnerable, especially after being so guarded, is a testament to growth and a deeper connection with one's emotional core.

15. But It's Hell for You to Go through That

But It's Hell for You to Go through That


While friends and loved ones may offer sympathetic ears or shoulders to cry on, they can't quite fathom the whirlwind of stoicism within you. The discomfort or perplexity they experience when attempting to decode your impassive front only underscores the emotional turmoil that lies beneath the surface. Sometimes they mistake your strength for apathy, not understanding that your armor is forged from necessity, a defense mechanism to withstand the storm of feelings that, even if unseen, you battle with silently. It often means carrying a heavy burden alone, for the ability to share is a vulnerability in itself.

16. … so You Stay Guarded until Someone is Willing to Be Patient

… so You Stay Guarded until Someone is Willing to Be Patient

17. All Interactions Stay Surface-level, No Deeper until Someone Breaks through

All Interactions Stay Surface-level, No Deeper until Someone Breaks through

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Totally me! My husband says I am alien because I am NOT the warm and fuzzy type. Must be in the genes because is not the warm and fuzzy type and neither is my daughter

OMG😂 my Brother calls me heartless too

#7: Your friends...not you're friends...

Emotions are distractions.

Sums me up so perfectly it's actually scary. 👀

this is so me

Oh geez this article simply represents me well most of it.. Not all but wow and people always thought I was stuck up or rude.. Well at least I am not an airhead! Haha

That's so true! I'm totally like that but sometimes I really do not care lol

Omg me!

I love this article. Every single one of these present me.. I wish people understood us guys more..😔

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