7 Negative Thoughts about Yourself That You Should Avoid ...

Holly Aug 26, 2013

You should never think negative thoughts about yourself. It’s fine to pinpoint your flaws in hopes of fixing them, but never dwell on your weak points. It’s unhealthy and will put you in the wrong frame of mind. In order to be happier, avoid thinking negative thoughts about yourself.

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1. I’m Not ___ Enough

Fill in the blank with anything. If you don’t think you’re pretty or talented or smart enough, ask yourself why you feel that way. If others are telling you these things, don’t believe them and find new people to surround yourself with that will make you feel good about yourself. If the media is the cause of your pain, realize that magazines and TV shows dramatize the importance of appearances and pictures are easily photoshopped. One of the negative thoughts about yourself that you should avoid is feeling like you’re not good enough. See your worth.

2. I Deserve It

When something bad happens to you, don’t blame yourself. It’s unhealthy to believe that you ‘got what was coming to you’ whenever negative things happen. While some problems can be avoided, others are impossible to stop. Remember that despite what you’ve done in the past, you’re a good person. You don’t deserve pain.

3. He’d Never like Me

Why do you think that your crush would reject you? If he’s only into girls that look like supermodels, find a new guy who’s not shallow. If he goes for girls with a good sense of humor, tell him your best joke. There’s no reason to think that you don’t stand a chance with a guy. Show him your lovely personality, flash him a smile, and see what happens. Don’t be fooled into thinking that your crush is better than you. He’d be lucky to have you; you’re a prize.

4. I Can’t do It

You can do whatever you set your mind to. It sounds like a cliché, but it’s the truth. If you have a goal, try your hardest to accomplish it. Don’t be afraid of failure or rejection. Tell yourself that you’re capable of succeeding and remain positive.

5. I'm a Bad Person

After cheating on your boyfriend or having a nasty fight with your parents, it can be difficult to recover emotionally. Just remember that whatever you did wrong is in the past. If it’s impossible to fix your mistake, you can at least learn from it. Everyone has done things that they aren’t proud of, but that doesn’t make them evil. Humans are all flawed, which means they make mistakes. Don’t dwell on the how you’ve acted in the past and focus on how you want to act in the future.

6. No One Cares about Me

More people care about you than you realize. Even if you haven’t been getting along with your family or friends lately, they still love you. There could even be an acquaintance of yours that looks forward to your little chats every day. You never know how many people you’ve affected. Never think that you’re alone in life, because there are people around you who genuinely care.

7. I Hate Myself

Hate is a strong word that you should refrain from using. There are traits that we all wish we didn’t possess, but there’s no reason to hate yourself over them. If the aspect you dislike is changeable, then what’s stopping you from bettering yourself? If it’s something that you can’t change, then you have to learn to accept that it’s a part of who you are. Never be ashamed of who you are.

Once you stop telling yourself the things listed above, you’ll be happier. There’s no reason to focus on the negative when it only causes you pain. In the spirit of positivity, what’s your favorite thing about yourself?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

This is a great wake up call for me and those who really want something but something else is holding them back from trying :-)

Thanks makes me feel better about my self..

I was feeling pretty down today, but this is just what I needed to help me cheer up!!

the part of he would never like me got my attention. why wouldnt he like me im awesome lol

My outgoing personality, always making people laugh, and determination. These are what I focus on. Life gets way too complicated to think of the bad. We're all human and failure from time to time just comes with the territory. What doesn't kill us just makes us stronger, right?

I do 4 when it comes to my grades in the university but I should avoid it from now on !! Thankss

4 and 6 I say to my self a lot I have to admit

Mine used to be all so glad I found my bf he helped me break the habits of all

So sad, and to see how many others tell themselves this. The world would be a very dark depressing place if we all believed what others tell us. Amen to those with self confidence!

Wow... All of these apply to me

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