7 Inspirational Humans of New York HONY Stories ...


As an aspiring photographer myself, I found that Brandon, the photographer behind Humans of New York (HONY) is not only inspiring but the photos he takes and the beauty that he captures is truly inspirational. Have you ever seen Brandon's work? Have you ever taken a look at his Facebook page or even looked at humansofnewyork.com? Well, I'll give you a sneak peek into what makes HONY an amazing project and share some of my favorite and most inspirational stories that Brandon has captured!

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1. Mott Hall Bridges Academy

Mott Hall Bridges Academy “Who’s influenced you the most in your life?”
“My principal, Ms. Lopez.”
“How has she influenced you?”
“When we get in trouble, she doesn’t suspend us. She calls us to her office and explains to us how society was built down around us. And she tells us that each time somebody fails out of school, a new jail cell gets built. And one time she made every student stand up, one at a time, and she told each one of us that we matter.”

This story really, really got me. Just one picture Brandon took and over a million dollars was raised for education for Mott Hall Bridges Academy. Read up on the aftermath here: humansofnewyork.com

2. Chris Shaw

Chris Shaw “I’ve watched a lot of people who did worse than me in art school go on to have their own shows, and I’ve decided that some people just know how to make moves. I always hoped that after I graduated, someone would discover me, but it doesn’t really work that way. You have to network and create opportunities, but I’m not good at that, because I get nervous and overly quiet in social situations. I normally end up getting discouraged, and going back to my basement to paint.”

Brandon took this photo back in January, shared Chris' name and guess what? It helped this particular artist get a leg up in the world and really get his art out there. How cool is that?

Frequently asked questions

3. Never Lay a Hand …

Never Lay a Hand … “Never laid a hand on her. And that was huge for me. Because it was always the first thing my dad did.”

How powerful is that to share that in a group of millions? I'm so, so proud of this dad, whoever he is. Never, ever lay a hand on your child, no matter how you were raised.

4. It Gets Real …

It Gets Real … “She’s a mother in name only. We get in fights, but she’s always so drunk that she never remembers them. We live in the same house, but haven’t had a real conversation in over a year.”

It's so hard to read things like this, but it's great that it can be all out there. Admitting and owning up to things is the first step.


The rawness of personal hardships, laid bare for the world, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Dealing with family issues, especially when substance abuse is involved, is a soul-testing experience – one that many face in silence. Yet through confiding these struggles, a shared sense of understanding and community is forged. It’s a painful reminder that behind every door, complex stories are unfolding, and it's essential to approach others with empathy – because you never know the battles they are fighting within the confines of their own homes.

5. Pro Choice

Pro Choice “My girlfriend and I aborted a child a couple of weeks ago.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“We didn’t lose anything. It was a choice.”
“Were both of you equally on board with the decision?”
“She followed my lead, which made it tougher I guess. But I’ve got so much going on right now, and she just opened her own theater show. It’s just not the right time.”
“How’s the aftermath been?”
“You know, I always thought of abortion as a common thing. I’m a liberal guy. Pro-choice and everything. But I never imagined how bloody painful it was going to be.”
“Do you mind if I post your story?”
“With my picture? I’d prefer not.”

This is so inspiring, just because you make the choice doesn't mean that it won't be hard later on.

6. Coming out

Coming out “We’d been having a sort of tacit conversation about it for a couple years. Then one day, his sister, who already knew, was teasing him about having a crush on a boy at school. And I heard him say: ‘Well, maybe it’s true!’ So I said: 'Son, we’ve never really talked about this. Are you gay?’ And even though he was 6'4”, he came over to me, curled up in my lap and just sobbed and sobbed. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, actually.“

When I came out to my mom, it was in the middle of Olive Garden and I said that I fell in love with a girl – this is a beautiful story and definitely inspiring!

7. Falling in Love

Falling in Love “We were best friends in high school.”
“Did you both know the other was gay?”
“I knew she was. She didn’t know I was.”
“So how did she find out?”
“I wrote her a love letter.”

This is such an adorable story! It's about love, relationships and figuring out your best friend!

So, now that you've seen MY top HONY stories that inspired me, what about you? What's your favorite? Did you get sucked into Brandon's project for hours on end too?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Thank you Heather. Jeez, you haven't been on here for a while! Welcome back!

The abortion was not a pro choice


I've loved this page for years, my heart is touched almost every time I read one of his (?) posts. There are just too many to pick a favourite, I would definitely recommend to everyone to check it out

Congratulations! Many happy years to you both!

So inspirational, Love these! Thank you heather!

Powerful stories

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