7 Tricks for Girls Who Want to Build Self Confidence Instantly ...


When an attractive person walks by, heads turn. And that attraction doesn’t just have to be because they have a beautiful face. Confident people are just as irresistible as beautiful people. When you stand tall, walk with a sense of purpose, look polished, and smile, people want to make eye contact with you. The outward reflection of your confidence and self-esteem makes you irresistible. Irresistible … Who, you? Yes, you!

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Treat Everyone with Respect

One of the best ways to radiate confident is to treat all those around you with the utmost respect. The kindness that you show to others will reflect back on you in the warmth and respect that you receive in return. This atmosphere of positivity will do wonders for boosting your confidence and making your personality really attractive to all those around you.


Avoid Small Talk

If you can, try to avoid engaging in too many extended periods of small talk. It’s no fun for either person involved in the conversation and most of the time ends up being an awkward mess. Getting straight to the point in a matter of fact but friendly way certainly radiates an air of confidence both in yourself and in the person you are talking with. Not having to skate around a subject before you bring it up is a good show of character.


Don’t Try Too Hard

Natural, easy confidence is all about not having to try too hard. If you find yourself really pushing your personality on a person, it will come across as aggressive and needy rather than confident. A truly confident person should be comfortable in their own skin and not have to impose themselves too severely on a group to be recognized and respected.


Focus on Others

A classic trait of somebody who possesses an irresistible confidence is their authentic interest in others over themselves. You should spend less time concerned with what others think about you, and more time engaging and conversing in a meaningful way with people. Ask open-ended questions to get discussions flowing, and your peers will really enjoy the fact that you are interested in what they have to say.


Be Presentable

Though it is a highly superficial component, there really is something to confidence being discovered through dressing the part. If you feel good about yourself from an aesthetic fashion point of view, then this self-confidence will spread to your whole personality and will definitely be noticed by those around you. Be classy, be elegant, wear casual with an insouciant air … wear your clothes, don’t let them wear you.

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Always Be Willing to Help

A person with irresistible confidence will always be willing to help out a friend or colleague when they are in need of an extra hand. This willingness to help others gives you a boost of self-confidence and makes your friends even more confident in you to be a great ally in their times of need. This may not necessarily mean always being the first to get involved, but more cementing the message that you are always willing to do what you can.



Sometimes the easiest solutions are the ones that get overlooked! It cannot be underestimated just how much difference having a smile on your face can make, both to you and to the people with whom you are interacting. The old adage that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile is popular for a reason. People like to surround themselves with positive energy, and smiling is the starting point of that. The more you smile, the more people will smile back, and an air of confidence can be built from this.

Some people ascribe to the theory of “fake it till you make it.” When you have reached your most confident, you will have pushed this saying to the curb a long time since. You won’t need to fake it because you’ve made it. You will be confident. People will want to be with you. You are … irresistible.

Are you ready to kick ass and radiate confidence?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

A self pep talk could always help

I don't think living by #5 is superficial. When we look better, we feel better. Also, there is a certain level of respect show to others by making your self presentable IMO. If you go out looking like you just rolled out of bed it puts off a vibe of stay away and not caring which are not attractive qualities.

This is an absolutely incredible article

@Jeni, agree, well said.

Another one bites the dust, good one Neecey! This is the perfect time for this kind of inspiration for me - I hope I give this impression to people lately during job trials and interviews! Hopefully I'll get full time soon!!

Refreshing! Thanks

Peony Blue....never ever stop smiling. Smiles are known to be very infectious....and hold your head high when you do it sweetie..

Still working on my smiling. Sometimes when I smile at people they don't smile back only at work or with friends but not a total stranger well it has happened but I expect so I just don't bother big shame but there u go

Love this post! It's just not self directed but also talks about how you act with other people❤️❤️

No small talk? That's kinda stupid. What if you're at a family reunion or a work function?

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