7 Stunning Habits of Popular People All Introvert Girls Can Master ...

Alicia Sep 12, 2016

Have you ever been curious about what it is exactly that makes popular people popular? There are some habits popular people have that tend to make others notice and like them. That’s what popularity is, right? Being noticeable and likable all rolled into one. If you’re hoping to become more popular, these are some tips to help you.

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1. They’re Kind to Others

People who’re truly popular are kind to others. They have good hearts and love to show that in their conversations and interactions with others. Someone may be in the “in crowd” but not be popular with a large majority. You can be well-known without being a popular person. But those who practice kindness are hard-pressed to find an enemy.

2. They’re Comfortable in Their Own Skin

Popular people are comfortable in their own skin. They don’t waste time trying to be someone they’re not. They know themselves well and they know what they stand for. They aren’t afraid to show that to others, either. They are who they are and that’s all there is to it.

3. They Have a Positive Attitude

Popular people are rarely negative individuals. They usually have a positive attitude and are optimistic about their life. Their sunny personality draws people to them, which is no surprise. We all love to be around happy people who encourage us to look on the bright side of things. Positivity is a magnetic personality trait; it draws people to you.

4. They’re Funny

Most popular people have a good sense of humor and love to make others laugh. They’re funny and can make many different types of stories entertaining. Even a trip to the gas station can give them a story to tell. They love to joke and make others laugh. Allowing your funny side to show will help you gain popularity if that’s something you desire in your life.

5. They Put Effort into Their Appearance

People who’re popular aren’t necessarily beauty queens, but they put some effort into their appearance. They have their lazy days just like the rest of us but those aren’t the majority of their days. They try to look nice on a regular basis. It isn’t really so much about what they wear as much as it is the effort behind it. Everyone has their own unique style. Popular people embrace their style and enjoy it to the fullest.

6. They Talk to Everyone

Truly popular people talk to everyone. They aren’t snobby or rude to others. They know that making friends and being well-liked are a result of being friendly. They’ll talk to the class president and those who may be loners in their classes. If you want to gain popularity, make it a goal to be friendly and talk to more people each day.

7. They’re Helpful

Popular people gain that status for a variety of reasons and this is a main one. They have a helpful personality. We all appreciate someone who helps us when we need it. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that being helpful is a good thing to do because we’re each so busy with our own schedules and obligations in life. But making an effort to help someone who you know needs help is a good decision. Not only will it help you to be more popular but you’ll feel good about making a selfless decision, too.

These are 7 habits of popular people. Do you see any of these habits in yourself? What advice would you give to those wanting to become popular?

Feedback Junction

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Why does every popular person in my school act like a bitch, are so arrogant and rude and brags on about what guy their dating or how rich they are? Stupid article

Most important they live for themselves not others

Popular people are not kind or nice at all

I'm all of those traits but I'm not popular but you wanna know who is a two faced bimbo wearing slutty clothes at my dear school

That was the complete opposite of the 'populars' in my school when I was there, except the comfortable in their own skin thing. They were rude to everyone, always bullied me and bragged about being top of the class to people who had learning issues (like hyperactivity, bad concentration and eyesight problems)

Well some popular people at school tend to be bitches in reality, but I think this applies everywhere maybe, and even at school there still some who are exactly as described in this

I don't think this would make someone 'popular' I think it just makes someone a good human being

I just love this post 💕

I see this all in me :)) I love helping others it makes me feels good about my self and I love my own style, so many friends told me like "oh you cant wear that too sexy or whatever or you can't do this that bla bla bla" and I told them "this is me and my style and myself, I am comfortable with my own skin, like it or not deal with it& if you dont wanna see me then close your eyes if I am around you! But at the end they copy my style no matter what I wear or do or say, most of them followed me, cos I dont really give a damn bout what ppls said, or busy or gossiping, nah I dont like that! I feels my self brought many good influence to my friends though.. Sometimes they asked some words or even asked me to write letter or sms in english and I am not saying I am perfect in English cos there lots of words that I have to learn as well, but they always asked me or asked suggest, cos they all knows that I always see things in a positive ways, I love to talk jokes or when I am in party I am always be the one who give a speech which is I love it, haha they always you are confident and brave enough. I told them we all need to be proud of ourself and be confident, and also I love giving others compliments well it has to be sincere you know, even I saw other women on the street or anywhere and she looks pretty n.stunning n I just came to her saying "hey there you look stunning and pretty" or maybe I saw a goodlooking man n look fresh I will def came n giving him compliment, cos I think its not always about outself getting compliments, the more we give others a sincere compliments, the more we feels good about outself. And I love to look good everyday cos I think its not only for ourself to looking good but also it will make other smilling when looking at us and yet can inspire them to takegood care them self, you know looking fresh to get through the day, and if you face the day with looking messy I think the rest of it will feels messy as well :) and also as soon as i wake up in the morning I love making smoothie or fresh juice for my self and also that can give you boost to have more confident on your self, cos fruits lots of vitamin in it and beside you are taking care of your self when you do that ;) sweet regards gurls! :))

This is the worst post like all women's talk can we stop with random people writing stories and just stick to the writers

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