7 Fun Ideas to Help You Embrace Fall ...


When I think of fun ideas for fall, I think of the evenings getting darker, more moisture in the air, leaves falling from the trees and the warmth of fireplaces and hot drinks. It’s sometimes hard to accept the changing seasons, acknowledge the fact that summer’s over and that a new season is beginning, but hopefully these fun ideas for fall will ease the transition.

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Change Your Fragrance

One of my fun ideas for fall comes from my love for fragrance. As the heat fades and the nights draw in, it’s a good idea to switch up your perfume and invest in spicy, heavy, musky or amber fragrances to correspond with the cooler, crisper air of the season.There’s nothing better than inviting richer, warmer scents into your home too. Maybe a new fragrant pumpkin spice candle or clove-scented reed diffusers will help evoke the feeling of the new season.


Get outside in Nature

Feeling the crunch of the leaves beneath your feet and being outside in the fresh air always helps me experience the change in the season, as I can literally watch it unfold before me. Seeing more birds migrating to warmer climates, and watching the ducks swim and communicate with each other in your local pond are both fun things to do too.


Read Literature

What’s better than curling up on your couch, getting lost in a good book? It could be a book you purchased over the summer that you never got a chance to read, or you can buy a book that’s related to the season. There are so many wonderful books out there. Consider “The Secret History” by Donna Tartt, “Hallowe’en Party” by Agatha Christie or “A Night in the Lonesome October” by Roger Zelazny.


Shop for New Fashion Pieces

I love the seasonal transition from a fashion perspective, since it allows me to look for new items and layering pieces for my wardrobe. I love scarves, boots, and sweaters in particular and it’s always a nice feeling to pack away the summer dresses to prepare for the cooler months. Fall-colored or themed accessories really can make an outfit, and buying earrings or shoes that are on-trend can certainly make a difference.


Find Natural Things outside to Get Creative

A new season provides a wealth of artistic inspiration. Not everyone’s wired to create arts and crafts, but I like to bring a bit of the outdoors indoors. You could always put some bare tree sticks and colorful maple leaves in Mason jars on your dinner table, or place a scented candle in a large hurricane vase on some rocks or acorns you picked up outside! These are both good starting points.

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Cook with Pumpkins and Squash

I always associate the cooler months with hearty soups and stews. Even baking cookies on cold, rainy days when you don’t feel like venturing outside can lift your spirits. Try slicing up an acorn or butternut squash, place open-side down on a baking tray, then bake for 40 minutes to an hour at 350˚F until soft. Top the baked squash with butter, red chili flakes, salt and pepper; it makes a great side dish or main dish.


Savor the Final Hours of Sunlight Each Day

If you can catch the final hours of sunlight each day, I say go for it! If you have a place in your apartment or home where you can see the sunset or if you have to venture someplace to see the last few minutes of sunlight, go there! Standing outside on your balcony or simply taking a few deep breaths outside works wonders too. Finding that inner calm with the last glimpses of daily sunlight will help lift your spirits, before the ensuing hectic-ness of the approaching holiday season.

There you have it! Some inspiring and fun ideas to help you embrace this new season before winter sets in. What are some ideas you can share with me? Do you enjoy the elements of fall?

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