7 Fitness Inspirations for 2015 ...

Tara Jan 31, 2015

What inspires you to work harder, eat healthier and make more sound choices so that you can achieve your goal? On the days that you want to give up, what makes you go on and work harder to make your dreams into a reality? It is not always easy but fit inspiration, also known as fitspo can help give that extra push you need to run towards success. It can be a picture, article, music or even fitness wear that gives you inspiration. Here is all the fitspo you will need for 2015 so that you can get in your best shape!

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1. Allwomenstalk.com

Through allwomenstalk you can check out the inspirational posts, fitness videos and even weight loss articles to help give you a good old kick in the behind and get in motion. These articles could be just what you need to find the inner strength and find time for your fitness. So log on to register and read up to be inspired.

2. Libraries

Most of us think of the library as the last place to go for fitness inspiration. But laying on the shelves of your library are hundreds (or even thousands) of books on healthy eating and exercise. And if you are like me and prefer to leaf through a physical book that you can hold, head to the libraries and read up on the steps to achieving fitness and health success.

3. Tracking Devices

Between your phone, fit bit and tracking watches, there is a countless array of tracking devices to help you stay accountable to your fitness goals. Take advantage of all that technology has to offer and use this as your fitness inspiration. Knowing you have 2000 steps to conquer for the day because of your tracking device can be just the inspiration to get you off the couch.

4. New Fitness Wear

Tired of sweating in the same fitness gear? Head to your local athletic store or online and order a few new fitness pieces. A new sports bra and fitted fitness capris can be just the inspiration to get you out of the store and to the gym. Get motivated and look and feel the part in your new workout gear.

5. Great Music

Amazing how certain songs can literally fill us with energy to get moving. I often find it is not just the beat but the words in the song that inspire me. So download your favorite music to your phone and get out for a walk or a run. No time like the present, so go do it now!

6. DVDs

There are so many great exercise DVDs or even online fitness videos on our site that can help guide you to the proper form and with targeted exercises to help you target your trouble zones. So get out of your comfort zone and try something new. This may be just the inspiration you need to help break the weight loss plateau you have been on!

7. Inspiration Board

Clip out a few pictures from magazines of words that inspire you, print out pictures when you have looked your best and a reach goal (could be a picture of an achievable model body). Now put your weekly workout alongside of it. Now pin all of this fitness inspiration on a cork board, hang in a visible place, and get ready to be inspired.

With all this inspiration, are you ready to work to super fit success. You deserve to achieve greatness but in order to do so you have to put in the time, energy and passion. So tell me what inspires you?

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