Daily Things to do for Girls Looking to Get Smarter ...

Neecey Mar 18, 2024

Daily Things to do for Girls Looking to Get Smarter  ...
Daily Things to do for Girls Looking to Get Smarter  ...

It’s not possible to become smarter in a day. But it is possible to become smarter every day. By doing small things on the daily, you can increase your smarts over time. Simple habits can build into big things. Are you ready to learn what daily things you can do to expand your mind?

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1. Ten Ideas Every Day to Keep Your Mind Working

Ten Ideas Every Day to Keep Your Mind Working Come up with ten different new ideas for any aspect of your life every single day. It will keep your mind fresh and active.


Challenge yourself not just in quantity but in diversity of thoughts. It could be new recipes to try, places to visit, books to read, or even innovative solutions to everyday problems. Don't worry about the feasibility at first; the goal is to stretch your creative muscles and foster a habit of innovation. By entertaining varied ideas, you engage different parts of your brain, making it a fun mental workout that can lead to surprising discoveries and increased intelligence over time. Plus, it's a great conversation starter!

2. Be Inquisitive and Don’t Lose Your Curious Spirit

Be Inquisitive and Don’t Lose Your Curious Spirit Ask questions when you want to know something instead of repressing your inquisitive nature. Seeking knowledge is never a bad thing!


Curiosity is like a muscle that gets stronger the more you exercise it. Challenge yourself to delve deeper into topics that pique your interest, and don't shy away from those that seem complex at first glance. Remember that every expert was once a beginner, and knowledge grows by asking questions and seeking answers. Embrace the journey of learning with enthusiasm, and you'll find that your intellectual horizons expand with each new piece of information you discover. Stay curious, and let that curiosity lead you to new skills, insights, and understanding.

3. Play Devil’s Advocate to Make Things Interesting

Play Devil’s Advocate to Make Things Interesting Every now and then it’s good to play devil’s advocate to add some interest or spice into a discussion, it doesn’t have to turn nasty.


Taking on the role of the opposing perspective can sharpen your critical thinking and deepen your understanding of various subjects. Challenge yourself by asking tough questions and considering alternative viewpoints. Engaging in thoughtful debate forces you to construct stronger arguments and educates you on the nuances of different issues. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to discover insights you might have otherwise missed. Remember, stimulating your intellect is all about embracing complexity and being open to understanding all sides of the equation – even if you don't agree with them.

4. Read a Chapter of a Novel to Keep Your Imagination Big

Read a Chapter of a Novel to Keep Your Imagination Big Reading a single chapter of a book every day doesn’t feel like a big commitment, but before you know if you will have multiple novels under your belt!


Engaging with literature stimulates the brain, enhances vocabulary, and fosters empathy by diving into the perspectives of diverse characters. Whether you prefer enthralling mysteries, swoon-worthy romances, or thought-provoking science fiction, there’s a genre to captivate every mind. Make it a snug routine with a cup of tea each evening, or turn it into a lively book club with friends to discuss and analyze each twist and turn. Remember, every page read is a step toward a more imaginative and intelligent you.

5. Watch Educational Videos in Favor of Mindless TV

Watch Educational Videos in Favor of Mindless TV Whether it’s an interesting documentary or a tutorial online, fill your media time up with meaningful content rather than mindless reality shows.

6. Read the Newspaper to Be Clued up on Current Affairs

Read the Newspaper to Be Clued up on Current Affairs There is nothing worse than not having a clue about what your colleagues are talking about in the office. Keep abreast of world events by reading a newspaper every day.


Staying informed is a superpower in today's world. Whether you fancy an old-school broadsheet, a tabloid, or a digital daily, the key is to dive into those heady swirls of newsprint or scroll through the updates online. Not only does this widen your knowledge about global dynamics, it injects confidence into your social interactions – imagine sparkling in a conversation with your spot-on analysis of the latest headlines. Plus, you'll never be caught off guard when social issues, political developments, or trending topics pop up in chit-chat. Cup of coffee and crisp newspaper – could there be a better way to start the day?

7. Stay Connected to Knowledge Sources to Keep Learning

Stay Connected to Knowledge Sources to Keep Learning Just because you have left school, it doesn’t mean that should stop striving to learn new facts and information. Every day is a school day!

8. Share Your Knowledge Others to Spark Interesting Conversation

Share Your Knowledge Others to Spark Interesting Conversation Utilize your social media platforms to share the interesting knowledge that you learn.

9. Apply What You Learn to the Necessary Elements of Your Life

Apply What You Learn to the Necessary Elements of Your Life Learning something is one thing, but apply it to your life in a beneficial way is what makes you a smarter person.

10. Write an ‘I Did’ List 'cos It's Much More Inspiring than a ‘to-do’

Write an ‘I Did’ List 'cos It's Much More Inspiring than a ‘to-do’ Instead of being upset that you couldn’t complete everything on a to-do list, congratulate yourself by writing down everything that you did manage to do.

11. Start a ‘Stop Doing’ List to Help You Get out of Bad Habits

Start a ‘Stop Doing’ List to Help You Get out of Bad Habits You can live a smarter life if you are able to eliminate the bad habits, and a stop doing list stuck on the fridge can help.

12. Stimulate Your Mind to Prevent Becoming a Couch Potato

Stimulate Your Mind to Prevent Becoming a Couch Potato Don’t just sit in front of the TV during your free time. Do things that will stimulate your mind like puzzles, educational games - anything that needs thoughtful interaction.

13. Take an Online Course to Improve Yourself from Home

Take an Online Course to Improve Yourself from Home You can add precious knowledge and qualifications from the comfort of your own home with the literally thousands of online courses that are available to take. Do some every day.


Pursuing online courses is a convenient way to enhance your skillset on your own schedule. Whether it's picking up a new language, mastering a coding language, or exploring creative writing, the possibilities are endless. A daily dose of self-improvement not only boosts your intellect but also your confidence. Choose topics that ignite your passion or can add a competitive edge to your résumé. Remember, consistency is key, so make learning a habit. Before long, you'll notice the fruits of your dedication, and others will too!

14. Surround Yourself with Interesting People

Surround Yourself with Interesting People The more intelligent conversation you, the smarter you are going to be. Surround yourself with interesting intellectuals and enjoy their company.


Engaging with a diverse group of people not only broadens your horizons but also exposes you to new ideas and perspectives. Seek out those whose experiences and expertise are different from your own—whether they are artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, or activists. By doing so, you can foster an environment where learning is part of your social interaction. Challenge yourself by engaging in deep discussions, debates, and collaborative projects with these individuals. This dynamic social circle can be incredibly stimulating and will certainly contribute to your intellectual growth.

15. Make Some Smart Subscriptions to Gain Further Knowledge

Make Some Smart Subscriptions to Gain Further Knowledge Don’t rely on the fake news articles that get shared on Facebook and Twitter. Subscribe to some official news outlets for the real news.

16. Make Smart Game Choices That Are Both Fun and Beneficial

Make Smart Game Choices That Are Both Fun and Beneficial Download game apps that are going to test you mentally as well as just seeing how fast you can move your fingers across the screen.

17. Explore New Areas to Expand Your Awareness

Explore New Areas to Expand Your Awareness Do a spot of urban exploring in your own city to see places that you have never been to before.

18. Find a Productive Hobby That Will Keep You Busy

Find a Productive Hobby That Will Keep You Busy Find something that you enjoy doing that takes up a portion of your time every day that is fulfilling and stimulating.

19. Maintain a Healthy Diet with Good Exercise Incorporated

Maintain a Healthy Diet with Good Exercise Incorporated The smartest among us know that good food and good exercise is the key to having a long and healthy life.

Feedback Junction

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I liked the "stop doing" list 👌

Mental stimulation, is essential this is great!

Time to add some things to my to do list

Great article love this!!


Love this!

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