7 Different Ways to Celebrate World Teacher's Day ...

Cris Oct 15, 2014

There are several creative ways to celebrate World Teacher's Day, that single day in a year when we honor the contributions of our dear teachers who give their precious time, skills and effort to help mold us to become better individuals. Most students give cards and flowers to their teachers on October 5, and while this traditional gesture is touching, but don't you think that it would be more meaningful to think of creative ways to celebrate World Teacher's Day? I asked some of my friends (who are teachers!) of their dreams and wishes on their special day and below are their thoughts:

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1. High Scores

Michelle, who teaches Mathematics in a public high school, said one of the best ways to celebrate World Teacher's Day is to see all her students getting high test scores on their exams. "That means so much to a teacher because it tells me that they learned something," she shared. Just don't cheat to get those high scores or it will break your teacher's heart.

2. Lunch Date

I had a quick break from college life and I happened to be in my hometown during World Teacher's Day. My elementary teacher was already retired when I came home and I saw her talking to some children who passed by her house. I just remembered how fun storytelling sessions were every Wednesday afternoon with her and I thought it might be nice to take her out for a simple lunch and talk about the past.

3. Cookie Jar Notes

I recommend you do this for teachers who are about to retire. Contact a representative from each class/school year that the teacher served as an adviser and let them write letters or notes to her/him. Place everything in a cookie jar and blow her away with personalized messages.

4. Radio Greetings

This one entails major coordination. First, you need to call or visit a radio station and express your plan. If you get a yes from the DJ or the station manager, you are very lucky. They will usually give you a time when they will greet your teachers and dedicate songs for them. You have to make arrangements to ensure that they hear the greetings. Either you gather all of them in a meeting hall for them to hear your surprise or send a note telling everyone to tune in to the radio station at a particular time for a special announcement.

5. Colorful Bulletin Board

Last year, Ana walked inside the classroom of her advisory class and what greeted her was a colorful bulletin board that said "thank you" in different languages. Teaching in an international school, Ana is the mentor of 20 teenagers who come from 10 different countries. "A single 'thank you' goes a long way for teachers. It's music to our ears," shared Ana.

6. Gift Certificates

A gift certificate that says: "This entitles the bearer to a two-hour full body massage" will make your teacher cry. You can do this as a class by contributing a portion of your daily or weekly allowance to the "Gift for Miss Claire" jar. Other options can be a buffet dinner for two or an overnight stay in a hotel.

7. Handwritten Letters

Printouts are nice but there is something exquisite in receiving handwritten letters. Jenelyn said, "Three years ago, one student gave me a three-page letter written on scented paper. I had a hard time reading his letter and was only able to read 'Thank you for (your) patience in teaching us'. He was seven years old and was learning to write in cursive. It's one of my priceless keepsakes." Is that sweet or what?

How do you celebrate World Teacher's Day? Any more suggestions to make next October 5 extra special?

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