7 Alternatives to an Internship This Summer ...


7 Alternatives to an Internship This Summer ...
7 Alternatives to an Internship This Summer ...

While internships are a great experience and way for you to spend your summer, there are so many other alternatives to an internship. Just because some of your friends have chosen to pursue an internship for the summer does not mean that one suits you. There are plenty of other things for you to do in the summer that are equally rewarding. Try one of these alternatives, and there is no way you will feel as if you wasted your summer.

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1. Travel

Of all of the alternatives to an internship, this is my favorite. What could be better than spending your summer hitting beaches in the Caribbean, road tripping around the country, or sight seeing in Europe? You can study abroad through your school, or you can convince your family to take that vacation they have been looking into.

2. Volunteer

If you are passionate about a cause, why not spend your summer working for it? Volunteering is a great alternative to an internship because it pads your resume and allows you to work on something you are passionate about.

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3. Service Trip

If you can’t decide between traveling and volunteering, why not combine the two? Service trips allow you to travel to exotic locations and help those less fortunate than you. I personally went to Argentina last spring break and worked on a day care. And it was possibly the best experience of my life. Service trips allow you to get the benefits of traveling and the benefits of helping others.

4. Classes

Classes are among the best alternatives to an internship because they let you continue your education all year round. They let you get ahead on your course load and can even help you graduate a semester early. And the best part is that you will usually condense a semester long class into a few weeks so the homework load is much lighter.

5. Externship

While everyone has heard of internships, some people don’t know what an externship is. An externship is somewhat of a shortened internship where you shadow an office member. They are usually condensed into a few days or weeks so it is the perfect alternative to an internship. It provides all of the same learning experiences, but in a smaller time frame.

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6. DIY Projects

When I say DIY, I don’t just mean being crafty. Your summer DIY project can be anything you want. Working towards a weight loss goal, starting your own business, or anything where you are bettering yourself. If an internship isn’t for you, you can still work on improving your skills and gaining new ones. Employers will love to hear how you spent your summer taking the initiative on your own personal time.

7. Teach Yourself Something

Have you ever wanted to learn a new language? Or maybe you want to learn to cook? Whatever you have wanted to do, use your summer to learn that new skill. You have three months without the distraction of schools and clubs to dedicate to learning something new and exciting. And you may even find a new passion along the way.

While internships are a great way to spend your summer, they do not suit everyone. There are so many ways for you to better yourself and learn over your break, why should you limit yourself to one experience? What did you think of these alternatives to an internship? What are some other ways you can think of to spend your summer? What have you done in the past summers that didn’t include an internship?

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