7 Good Manners Every Girl Should Have Always ...


7 Good Manners Every Girl Should Have Always ...
7 Good Manners Every Girl Should Have Always ...

Being from the South, manners have been genetically instilled in me since birth. Don’t get me wrong, all Southerners do not have manners, but manners are still pretty much prized as being the ultimate quality to have, especially for a woman, around here. Certain manners can enhance your relationships, help you meet people, snag a new job you want, maintain a good professional demeanor, help you meet a man, make you more generous, keep you humble, and enhance your social skills. Read on to find my 7 favorites and do share yours with me, pretty please!

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1. Always Offer a Handshake

In the germophobic world we live in, no one seems to want to shake hands anymore, but offering your handshake is one of the most important manners every girl should have. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve met someone new and they seem a little hesitant towards me, or shy. I immediately offer my hand out to them and tell them how glad I am to meet them. This breaks down a barrier between you and strangers, and lets them know you’re friendly. It also loosens you up and makes it easier to meet others each time you do it. If someone refuses to shake your hand, don’t take it personally. They simply might have a germ issue, and in that case, just put down your hand and give them a smile. This manner is especially important on a job interview, where I always offer a handshake to the person interviewing me. It suggests confidence, which is priceless in the work field.

2. Always Say Ma’am or Sir

I don’t care if someone is the same age as you or not, or even if they are younger. Anyone who is your employer, teacher, leader, mentor, co-worker, etc. should be called ma’am and sir out of respect. Trust me, they’ll probably tell you that you don’t have to call them that, but it still implies you are kind, respectful and courteous. Just say it and thank me later.

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3. Always Say Please and Thank You

Most girls know this is a manner that we need to have, but it still has to be said. Saying please when requesting something and thank you upon receiving anything, even if it is just an answer to a question, is crucial to having manners. Do this with anyone, not just someone above you.


Good manners are an essential part of being a lady. Saying please and thank you is a fundamental way to show respect and gratitude for someone’s efforts. It is important to remember to do this with everyone, not just those in positions of authority. Good manners also include being polite, kind, and courteous to all people, regardless of their age, gender, or social status. Additionally, it is important to always be on time, to never interrupt someone when they are speaking, and to always be respectful of other people’s opinions and beliefs. Finally, it is important to always be mindful of your own behavior and to always be a positive influence on those around you.

4. Open Doors for Others

Unless you’re on a date, it is a great idea to open doors for other people when out in public. Never open your date’s door for him though, that’s his job! Opening doors for other people signals that you’re courteous, kind and aware of others. It is also one of the best hospitality gestures you can offer others. You don't have to be the bellhop and hold it open for everyone; one person will do!


The simple act of holding the door can leave a lasting impression. It's about being attentive and showing respect, a small but powerful gesture that upholds the thread of civility in our fast-paced society. Whether it's at a cafe, a store, or entering the office building, take that fleeting moment to pause and extend this kindness. You never know how much a little act of courtesy might brighten someone's day - just remember, it's the thoughtfulness that counts, not grandstanding.

5. Smile

One overlooked manner every girl should have is to smile. Smile at strangers, school mates, and co-workers whenever you get the chance. A simple smile and “Hey, how are you?” will get you further along in developing relationships, meeting people, maintaining a good work relationship, and generally make you seem happier and easier to talk to. Plus, a smile is the prettiest thing you could ever wear!

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6. Sit like a Lady

This might sound old fashioned, but it's true! When you’re out in public at an event or on a date, cross your legs, or at least your ankles. Don’t slouch in your chair with your legs hanging out in front of you, but instead, sit up straight and maintain a good ladylike position. You don't need to look stiff like you're at a tea party, but simply sit up tall with good posture and gently crossed legs or ankles. This manner will help you seem professional, feminine, graceful and classy.


Good posture is one of the most important manners that every girl should have. Sitting with your back straight and shoulders back will show confidence, poise, and grace. When sitting in public, it is important to cross your legs or ankles and avoid slouching in your chair. This manner will help you appear professional, feminine, graceful, and classy. Additionally, it is important to remember to always keep your elbows off the table and maintain good eye contact when talking to someone. Furthermore, it is important to remember to always be kind and courteous to those around you. Manners are a reflection of your character and it is important to always maintain them.

7. Don’t Curse

For the love of being a lady, stop cursing! Unless you’re at home alone and just broke that glass dish your mom gave you for Christmas, of course! Then it’s okay since you’re alone! Seriously though, don’t make a habit of cursing, especially around guys. They want to date someone who is a lady, not a potty mouth. Cursing is also a big no no on the job. Employers don’t want their employees having bad language or it might influence their company’s image.

Having good manners doesn’t just equate to wiping your mouth at the dinner table, though that is a great manner to practice. These simple, yet effective manners are actions every girl can and should take, to maintain a ladylike, professional and classy appearance. After all, we are girls so let’s act like one! What is an important manner you were taught to have?

Feedback Junction

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My mother was always very strict when it came to manners. I agree it helps how people perceive you and because of this people tend to speak and treat you with more respect. I'm not saying we should act like a helpess little woman or pretend to be someone we're not. Just use it to your advantage.

The world would be a much better place if people were courteous to each other. It shows you care about someone other then yourself.

I couldn't agree more with the cursing! There is nothing more unattractive than a woman with a foul mouth!

look into the eyes of the people you're talking to

I totally agree with how much of a difference manners make and these are all excellent points! The only thing I would say is that geographically, the use of the word ma'am is a little iffy. I am from wisconsin and I find women tend to find "ma'am" as an implication of older age rather than a general term of respect for a woman, as I have also heard it used. I'm only saying it is taken differently by some people in different locations, not that the person saying it is wrong.

I don't cater to men. I agree with everything you've said except this cursing. I was raised in rural west Tennessee and am country as cornbread, but I also curse on occasion. If you do it right, you can curse and be a lady. I'm proof ;)

I'm sorry, but if a guy doesn't like me because I'm a girl that curses then be should reevaluate his priorities and grow up. Not very happy with this article.

Oh for the love of god, she isn't saying don't swear at all, she's saying there are appropriate times & inappropriate times to do so. Everyone swears sometimes. Ever been around someone who swears every other word? Its annoying, crass and embarrassing to be around. Its a sign of courtesy and consideration for others to curb the swears.

I have to agree about the "ma'am" comments, in eastern Canada where I live it is mostly considered offensive unless the person is significantly older than you, but I'm sure it's polite in other places!

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