7 Helpful Tips on How to Motivate a Team ...


It’s really important to learn how to motivate a team, especially if you want to become a strong leader someday. When your team is motivated, they will do a better job and the work they do will seem easier, more fun and more dynamic. There are a lot of things you can do to motivate the people around you and to get them excited to face all kinds of challenges. Even if sometimes it can be a bit difficult to encourage a team, since you have a variety of people with different skills or talents, it is not an impossible thing to achieve if you persevere. Here are a few very helpful tips on how to motivate a team:

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Discuss the Benefits of Success

One of the best things you can do if you want to learn how to motivate a team is to simply explain to them the positive outcomes of achieving that objective. This way, you are showing them that they have control over their future compensation and that their success will benefit not only the company but it will also help them reach all their goals and gain all kinds of different rewards.


Encourage Individuals

Each of your team members is different and they have their own goals and aspirations. To motivate them to do a specific task, you could take them aside and help them on a one-to-one basis. Be a good listener and see what are the obstacles that prevent your individual team members from reaching their goals and help them move forward.


Keep Your Team Interested

To motivate a team, you should try to keep each of your team members interested by building a sense of curiosity. This way, they will want to learn more and they will also be passionate about what they are doing. Praise them for a job well-done and reward their hard work when they manage to achieve an objective.


Set Realistic Goals

Know what your team is capable of and set goals that they can actually reach. If your goals are too ambitious and your team doesn’t have the capability to reach them, they will feel discouraged, demotivated and they might even began to resent what they are doing as a part of the team. Instead, you could set some micro-goals that can easily be achieved, to motivate them to keep going.


Create Some Friendly Competition

Not every form of competition is harmful; sometimes a bit of competition can be very healthy and it can be exactly what you need to reach a specific goal. If you want to inspire your team members to reach a certain objective, create a healthy competitive environment. Organize small competitions with tangible rewards (like a free lunch or a movie ticket).


Focus on Their Strengths

Focus on the strengths of your team members and help them see what a valuable asset they are to the team. Just make a list with all the wonderful things they’ve done for the team and for the company and get them involved in areas they can do well.


Be a Good Role Model

If you want to motivate your team, then the best way you can achieve that is by being a great role-model yourself. Be someone that each individual member of your team can look up to. Work hard, be dedicated to achieving your goals, be a good professional, and a reasonable and reliable leader. Don’t forget about being willing to communicate, so you’ll be able to prevent or solve all potential conflicts that may appear in your team.

Always treat your team members with kindness and respect and set a baseline of good behavior. Have you ever motivated a team? How did you do it? Do you know any other helpful tips on how to motivate a team? Please tell us about them in the comments section!


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