Learn How to Stop Thinking the Worst is Going to Happen ...

By Chelsie2 Comments

If you are always thinking that a catastrophe is just around the corner, it will help you to learn some ways to stop thinking the worst is going to happen. Everyone gets caught up with their emotions at times, and when that occurs it can be easy to think that the worst outcome is going to happen. However, when catastrophic thought patterns become commonplace, anxiety can start to run your life. If you need to stop thinking that a catastrophe is always around the corner, the following ways to stop thinking the worst is going to happen will help you.

1 Make a Plan

If you are in need of some ways to stop thinking the worst is going to happen, one thing that really helps is making a plan. Make a plan for how you can prevent the worst from happening. Often, you will find that there is a simple solution to a potential catastrophe, which can make you feel much better and prevent you from feeling anxious.

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2 Behavior Modification

Behavior modification is a technique used by therapists and teachers, and it can be a helpful tool when you tend to think the worst is going to happen. When you find yourself thinking a catastrophe is going to occur, immediately change your thought pattern into something positive. Also, reward positive thinking with something like your favorite treat from Starbucks. This will encourage you to continue thinking positive thoughts.

3 Ask Questions

Concern that something bad is going to happen often occurs from a lack of understanding. As a result, asking questions about whatever is causing you to think that the worst is going to happen can really help. Once you have all the information you just might find that you were worried over nothing.

4 Talk about Your Feelings

Talking about your feelings can also help you put an end to thinking that the worst is going to happen. When you let your fears out by talking about them with a friend or loved one, you might find that you feel much better. Also, the other person might be able to give you insight that you find very helpful in putting an end to catastrophic thoughts.

5 Ask for Help

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your responsibilities, you might easily find yourself thinking the worst is going to happen. To put an end to such thoughts, you need to ask for help. Ask friends, family members, or coworkers to help you get things done. You will feel much better because you will know you have the support of people who care about you.

6 Distract Yourself

Sometimes it is very difficult to put an end to thinking the worst is going to happen. When that is the case, the best thing you can do is distract yourself. Go to a movie, clean your house, work out, or volunteer for a charity. By getting your mind off of your worries, you will start to feel more relaxed.

7 Remember when Something Worked out

Another method that can help you stop thinking the worst is going to happen is to remember when something from your past worked out. This will help you see that bad things don’t happen all the time. Also, it shows you that just because you think a catastrophe is going to happen, it doesn’t mean it will.

When you find yourself thinking that the worst is going to happen, try a few of these techniques to put an end to the catastrophic thought patterns. They just might help you feel better. Which of these techniques do you think would help you the most?

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