7 Ways to Stick to Your New Year's Resolution Goals ...


As we start the New Year with many ambitious goals, are you searching for ways to stick to your New Year’s resolution goals? Within the first month of resolutions made, according to recent research, only 12% of people succeed because of the lack of planning and motivation. That seems like a bummer but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t let this be you and follow my tips so that you can stick to your goals. As a personal trainer and wellness coach for over a decade, follow my ways to stick to your New Year’s resolution goals.

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Make Your Goals Visible

Write out a list of your resolution goals and place them on your refrigerator or on your mirror so it is visible. Make sure you place this list in a place you see every day so you have a constant reminder of your goals. Visibility tops my ways to stick to your New Year’s resolution goals.


Set out a Success Plan

Create a schedule to achieve your resolution goals with a specific time frame and set yourself up for success. If you have a weight loss or health goal, make sure you set your home for success with the kitchen stocked with fruits and vegetables. If you fail to plan, you will plan to fail, so set out a super success plan!


Stage Your Life around Your Resolution Goals

Stage your life to reflect your new goal. If your resolution goal is to give up late night snacks, then remove any temptations from your home. Or if your resolution is to begin daily exercise, sign up for fitness classes or a gym now and lay out your workout outfit the night before. Stage your surroundings for your resolution success!


Write a List and Place It under Your Pillow

It was believed in ancient times if you wrote a list and put this under your pillow, all your dreams would come true. It is worth a try, right? Write out your resolution list and place this list in the bottom of your pillow case so you can sleep on your goals. Live, eat, breathe and now sleep your goals to achieve them!


Plan out a Weekly Reward

Plan out weekly rewards to award yourself for your mini successes of sticking to your resolution goals. Go for a manicure, pedicure or even a massage to celebrate your success and keep up your motivation! With weekly rewards you will have an extra reason to stick to your goals.


Share Your Successes with Your Family

Share your success with your family and even friends by letting them know of your resolution goals and how well you are sticking to them. By sharing your positive experience, you will stay motivated and you may even motivate your family and friends in the process!


Take It Day by Day

Take your resolutions day by day. It is a long process but with hard work, dedication and great will power, you will achieve your goals. Believe and you will achieve!

So stick to your resolution goals and follow my motivating tips. Embrace the new you so that you can reach and even surpass your goals. What are your resolution goals and what are the steps you are taking to achieve them? Have a happy and healthy New Year!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Better to call them soul goals then resolutions! Resolutions sounds like such a chore!

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