5 Ways to Get through Tough Times for Girls Struggling in the Rain Not the Rainbow ...

By Claudia

5 Ways to Get through Tough Times for Girls Struggling in the Rain Not the Rainbow ...

We’ve all been there; that moment when you feel bad for some reason you’re not even aware of. It may be something you’ve been holding on to for so long you just don’t know how to deal with anymore, and you can’t find anyone to talk to about it. Here are some tips to get out of there and feel your best again!

1 Cry It out

Just cry it out! If you can’t get yourself to do it, try and force the process by forcing yourself to cry and trust me it’ll just be a sort of start button to a whole puddle of tears. It feels so good to detoxify your body and mind with tears. It’s a way for your body to express itself without having to understand or explain why you even have to.

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2 Put the « Good Mood Playlist » on Youtube

Seriously look that up and listen to songs while dancing and just forgetting about everything. The key here is to un-tense yourself and relax your way out through the flow of the music and of your body.

3 Go See Animals

They have so much to offer just by their presence. Try getting in touch with them and talk, express yourself. They’re more than animals; they’re so full of life and hope and joy they are willing to pass on to the whole world, it’s magical.

4 Sleep

You would be amazed to know how not sleeping enough could tire you and make you overthink, feel depressed, and just kind of isolated. Give your body what it needs to support you throughout the day, but give also your mind what it needs! When you sleep you dream, and that’s a way for your spirit to just wander in any direction it wants, express itself the way it wants to, give it that little creativity he deserves.

5 Go outside

Go get some sunshine! It’s nature’s therapy for absolutely everything! Use it to empower yourself, may it be physically or mentally, do it! Even if it’s not good weather, go ahead and embrace the wind and the rain, it’s nature’s gift to you.

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