8 Tips on How to Take the Initiative for Girls Who Tend to Slack ...

By Alexandra

8 Tips on How to Take the Initiative for Girls Who Tend to Slack  ...

Looking for tips for how to take the initiative?

Taking initiative is a really hard task for some people. Fear, regret and failure are all reasons that hold you back when you’re thinking of taking that big step forward. But with these 8 tips for how to take the initiative, you'll be doing so in not time at all. Good luck!

1 Be Yourself

This one sounds clichè, but it’s the truth! If you try being someone you’re not, it will come across as fake and possibly desperate. Besides, if you want to pursue this person, you’ll want them to know you for who you really are. Staying true to yourself is one of the best tips for how to take the initiative.

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2 Stop Being Afraid

It’s easier said than done, but as American author H.P. Lovecraft once said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” And that is exactly what keeps us chained inside our own minds and unable to break free and express ourselves. Stop being afraid, because fear is the enemy that’s preventing you from doing great things.

3 Think of the Positives

Stop thinking about all the ways it could go wrong, and start thinking of the potential greatness you could be enjoying! Make a list if you want to. Recite three positive things about your decision to yourself every day for a week to psyche yourself up. Do whatever it takes to put yourself in a positive mindset.

4 Think of How to Fix It if It Doesn’t Go Your Way

Unfortunately, not every time we try something does it work out in our favor. If things do go wrong, you’ll want to have a plan. Make sure you think of this plan before you go ahead and make that choice.

5 Remember Your Confidence

You are a good person, a great person, a fantastic person! And, if in your heart, you believe that this is a choice that will make you happy, then you deserve to go for it. But remember your confidence as you approach said person. You don’t want to come across as needy or unsure of yourself because there’s no reason to be!

6 Keep Your Plans Low Key

There are a few things to never let people be 100% aware of. One of them is your love life and the other is your next move. With these types of plans, it’s a combination of both, so make sure you only tell people you trust what you plan on doing.

7 Either Work It into the Conversation or Ask to Have a Talk

There are really only two choices you have here. One is to lightly bring up a conversation on the topic or work yourself into a conversation already taking place about the subject. Chances are you’re going to have to ask to talk to the person, because topics like these don’t come up all the time.

8 Make Sure You Are Alone

Doing things in public always places more pressure on you both. Especially for guys. They won’t want to express their emotions in front of all their friends. If it’s difficult to be alone together, you could potentially ask for a phone number and do it over a call (not text, NEVER text.)

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