7 Tips for Getting through University in One Piece ...


I can relate to the fact that the road through university is not always an easy one, but having a few tips for getting through university in one piece really helped to ease the process! I have so many wonderful memories of my days spent going to classes, spending time with friends and continuously meeting new people. I wouldn't change any of it for the world - even those brutal exams helped me gain the knowledge required to pursue my goals! Having these tips for getting through university in one piece really helped me through the winding road, hopefully they can help you too!

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Be Prepared

One of my favourite tips for getting through university is to head to the bookstore ahead of your classes starting. Not only do you avoid the long lineups, but you also get an opportunity to read up on each class. I have found that getting my books and supplies early helps avoid stress when starting the term.


Buy a Day Planner

I have owned a day planner for as long as I can remember and I couldn’t think of a better way to stay ahead of the game while juggling any class load. Many day planners even have areas for notes and important information that you will most likely need to keep track of during the year. Make sure you carry this golden tool with you at all times to keep yourself on track!


Stay Organized

Binders are your new best friends! I have always kept a binder for each class with individual tabs for lectures, assignments, exam prep, etc. and it definitely keeps me organized. I find something comforting about having my notes and assignments printed out so that I can refer to them when studying. I like to feel something tangible versus simply having the information on my laptop – it is a personal preference for how I stay organized, but do what works for you!


Pack Water and Healthy Snacks

The worst distraction when you are trying to focus on your studies is a growling stomach… One of my favourite tips to avoid a lack of focus is to always have a water bottle and a snack packed with you to keep me going! A simple bag of unsalted nuts, raw veggies and fruit are easy treats to pack before you head out in the morning so don’t forget to pack something healthy – both your body and brain will thank you!


Invest in a Laptop

I learned early on that I was going to need a laptop to get through university in one piece. My best investment was my laptop, which helped me stay organized and on the edge of my intense class load. Having instant access to the Internet and all of my class information really helped me get through each term, but don’t forget to back up your information regularly and always have a spare power cord in your bag! I would highly recommend investing in one of these technological wonders when you are beginning your adventures in university, it is the best decision I could have made!

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Avoid Skipping Meals

I’ve often found difficulty with regular eating when going through my intense schedule. It’s easy to get busy and work right through lunch or dinner, so my best trick for this was setting an alarm for meal times that worked with my schedule. This way I never miss those essential nutrients that your body and brain need to function properly!


Stress Levels

Ah, stress. It’s impossible to avoid stress when you are in University. Taking regular breaks, scheduling exercise as simple as going for a walk and fueling your body with good nutrition can all help with keeping your stress levels in check. University is not for the faint of heart, so keep on top of your game by using your favourite stress reduction techniques through each term!

Do not be afraid of entering in to university, it can also be a lot of fun! Not only do you get to build new friendships, but you also gain a wealth of knowledge in multiple areas and what could be better than that! What tricks have you found that work best for you to get through university in one piece – I could always use a few more in my back pocket!

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