Takeaway: What are the things that people say I should wait until I'm older to do?
Have you ever told someone about something you want to do, only to have them shake their head and tell you to wait until you're older? Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of things that *should* wait until we're older, but there are equally as many things you don't have to wait until you're older to do and which you enjoy at the age you currently are. According to Gurl.com these are some superb things you can do right now, regardless of your age:
1 Experience Love
Anyone at any age can experience love. If you've got a heart, which I know you do, you can feel the L-O-V-E. FYI: It doesn't necessarily need to come from a romantic relationship. It can come from anywhere. It can come from a pet, a hobby, a friend, or even a favorite color.
Frequently asked questions
2 Make a Difference
Anyone at any age can make a difference. It could be on a small scale or it could be on a larger one. You could do it with a group in your neighborhood or you could to it with a program online. It doesn't really matter. The point is that you're helping to make the world a better place.
3 Follow Your Passion
If you have a passion for something, do it. If there's a direction that you think you'd like to go in college or in the working world, pursue it. The more experience you can get, the better. The old saying about keeping your options open does have some points, but it shouldn't get in the way of you pursuing your true passion, or passions
4 Go Travelling
Yeah, I know that it's obviously a lot easier to go travelling when you're making your own bank as a working adult, but what the grown-ups forget is that travelling doesn't need to involve a plane and a fancy hotel. Even just travelling an hour outside of your town is fun. Heck, even exploring a new neighborhood can be great. So, go out there and broaden your horizons.
5 Be Successful
Have you ever thought that you'll be successful *when you're older?* It's time to stop that thinking. You can be successful now. And you know what, you probably are already really successful now. Just think about what you've accomplished so far. Did you graduate last year with honors? Did you get a good result on your piano exam? Do you have an amazing group of friends? That's all success, my friend.
6 Enjoy "Mature" Activities
Get your mind out of the gutters, people. I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about those hobbies that you might have that are more along the lines of things adults might typically do. It could be something like watching foreign films, looking at antique markets, going to galleries, or whatever. If you've expressed interest in something and someone's encouraged you to save that for later and do *the stuff other kids your age are doing,* ignore it. Do what you want.
7 Start Saving
This is one that your parents would actually agree on, but it's worth including in the list. You don't need to get into any fancy 401k's or all of that other bank stuff you don't understand, but putting away some of your allowance or money you earn from your part-time job will really help. You can save it for something special, school, or for that rainy day.
8 Use Your Voice
Your voice may not yet be as loud and booming as some of the adult voices out there, but your words can still be just as powerful. If you're passionate about a cause, you can help change things. Remember, every big change started with one person who had one idea.