7 Small Practical Ways to Practice Good Karma ...

By Alicia8 Comments

There are a lot of ways to practice good karma. I am a big believer in what goes around comes around. Practicing good karma can help you to have good karma come back to you. These are some simple little ways to practice good karma in your everyday life.

1 Open the Door for Others

One of the ways to practice good karma is to open the door for others. Yes, this is a small gesture but it can go a long way. Don’t you love it when others hold the door open for you? I know that I do. It always reminds me that kindness does still exist in our world.

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2 Smile and Be Kind

You know, a simple smile and a kind demeanor can go such a long way. They can help turn someone’s day in the right direction. You just don’t know what impact you will have on others. It is good to make it a goal to smile and be kind to others that you encounter. It will come back to you, time and time again.

3 Pay for Someone else’s Food

When you can do this, it is a wonderful way to practice good karma. When you are out, just pick up the tab for someone else’s meal. You don’t have to know them and it is actually a better gesture when you don’t. You can do this at a sit down restaurant or in a drive through. Just ask your waitress to not reveal who paid the bill. This is a very unselfish way to practice good karma.

4 Be Honest in Money

Have you ever been given too much change back when you purchased something? That is an opportunity to practice good karma. Not only is it honest but it is the right thing to do. It is a time when you get to make a choice to do good when you would more than likely never be caught. Being honest in your money dealings is a great way to send good karma out into the world.

5 Be Forgiving of Others

We can’t go through life without hurting others or being hurt sometimes. When this happens, you have two choices: hold a grudge and hurt yourself and maybe a special relationship; or forgive and choose forgiveness. I find it helpful to remember all the things I have needed forgiveness for when faced with the very hard decision of whether or not to forgive.

6 Put Money in Someone’s Parking Meter

If you see someone’s parking meter that is about to run out of time, you can do good by putting money in it. It just takes a little bit of money and you can save them from a potential ticket. We all forget things like checking the meter sometimes. You will feel good about yourself the rest of the day when you do choose to do something like this. And who knows? Someone may do the same thing for you someday.

7 Clean Snow off of a Neighbor’s Car

If you are out cleaning the snow off of your sidewalk and car, why not do your neighbor’s as well? It only takes a little bit of time but the benefits will be huge. Your neighbor will most likely be very grateful to you. They may even someday return the favor. Whether they do or not, you can enjoy the fact that you did your part to practice good karma.

Sending good karma out into the world is something you can do in many ways. These ideas are just the tip of the iceberg. What ways do you send out good karma?

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