By Lucy • 14 Comments
You will guarantee yourself a much happier and fulfilling life if you can learn not care about what others think of you! This may not necessary be easy at the best of times, but it is a great, positive mindset you can choose to adapt to and master over time!
Do whatever you want and be whoever you want. You’re not going to see these people after you’re dead. You probably won’t even see them in a year from now.
Live your life without worrying about other people’s thoughts and opinion, and you will live your life to the maximum.
This is your life to live. At the end of the day you are the only person who needs to approve of your own choices.
What is best for somebody else could potentially be the worst thing for you. What one person considers garbage can be another person’s treasure.
Only you know what is right for you, so take their version of 'right' with a grain of salt and trust your instincts as they are nearly always right.
And if you think about it, you're going to have to make decisions that don’t meet people’s standards at some point in life...we all are. You will come into situations where you have to put your pride, and your reputation on the line to get what you want and need.
If you are constantly worried about what people are thinking you may never have the will or the ability to do what’s right for you.
Similarly, if you follow someone else's advice and it doesn't work out for you, you will be the only one who it effects at the end of the day and you will have to live with the fact that you didn’t follow your inner call to begin with.
When people give you their suggestions or even orders, there is no risk for them. They don’t have to live with your choices, but you do.
People’s thoughts, ideas and views change on a regular basis because it's simply a part of life. This means even if somebody does think badly of you at the moment, there is a good chance they will think differently in the near future. So basically, other people's thoughts don’t really matter because there's a good chance it's only temporary.
This means that unless who you are or what you have done directly affects another person or their life, they are unlikely to spend much time thinking about you at all.
It is impossible to live up to everyone’s expectations so there is no point in burning yourself out trying to do so. Make sure that the only person you focus on pleasing is yourself!
The only way you will ever truly learn is through making your own decisions, taking full responsibility for them, and that way if you do fail at least you can learn from it instead of blaming somebody else.
Frequently, people indulge their need to be liked to such an extent that it actually dictates the way they choose to behave. Some become people-pleasers or so submissive that many people are turned off by this behavioural type.
So what happens is your constant pleasing behaviour (used to ensure you are liked) may actually cause you to be disliked and it quickly becomes counter-productive!