18 Pieces of Advice All Young People Should Follow ...

By Heather11 Comments

18 Pieces of Advice All Young People Should Follow ...

When you are young, most of the time you are just trying to push forward, to get more mature, and you forget to live. Really, really live. If you are anything like me, you want time to slow down when you get older.

1 Invest in Quality Clothing

Trust me, they never, ever go out of style.

Frequently asked questions

2 Fall in Love at Least Once

Don't close yourself off! Love is a beautiful thing.

3 Know That Nobody else Controls You

And if they try, you need a new friend, boyfriend, whoever. Nobody should ever control you.

4 If You Feel Hatred, Keep It to Yourself

You should never actively try to hurt anybody else.

5 Forgive as Much as You Can

Don't forget, just forgive.

6 Keep Going and Going, Never Give up

It will help you in all walks of life.

7 Embrace High School

Sure, you aren't going to peak there, but it does have its place in your life cycle.

8 Be Nice to Humans

Seriously. Don't make jokes behind people's back, give back to the community, be nice.

9 Help Animals

In every form. Whether it is volunteering at a shelter or just adopting a pup from a shelter. Be nice to animals, always.

10 Find out What Commands You

What is at the root of your entire being? Find it and indulge yourself.

11 Be Active

Always move. Exercise – whatever form it takes - and keep moving.

12 Find a Role Model

Or a mentor and aim to achieve even more than they could ever, ever do. It'll push you forward.

13 Don't Go Crazy about Material Items

Sure, when you are young you want to buy the newest of everything but calm down. Eventually, you want something deeper.

14 Have Trust and Confidence in Yourself

Always. This is huge and will carry you throughout your life.

15 Don't Worry, Just Try to Live

I love this. I need this more in my life.

16 Do You

Despite the judgment of others, just do you.

17 Hang onto Deep Relationships

Always, always hang onto them.

18 Remember, Age is Not a Disease

We spend so much time trying to stay young. Keep in mind, age is not a disease.

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