8 Podcasts to Listen to Daily for a Better Mindset ...

By Katlyn

8 Podcasts to Listen to Daily for a Better Mindset ...

When it comes to podcasts to listen to daily, I have a morning and evening routine I try to keep to every day. Granted, I don’t always succeed, but I like having this predictability in my life. If you too like some predictability in your life, check out these podcasts to listen to daily that have new episodes every day!

1 The Daily Meditation Podcast

text, font, line, product, area, This is a great podcast to begin or end your day with and center yourself. Every week there’s a different theme that the meditations are based on, although you can start in the middle easily and not feel like you’ve missed anything. This helps me center myself and I especially love listening to it while walking my dog! It's definitely one of the best podcasts to listen to daily.

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2 Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Day

blue, text, font, product, logo, I’m a former English major, so maybe this is my nerd showing, but I LOVE learning new words. This awesome podcast is a great way to learn new words, their meanings, and their history.

3 Poem of the Day

text, font, product, line, technology, Another one of my guilty pleasures, this podcast showcases a different poem every day. This is a great podcast if you enjoy literature or poetry, as many of the selections are ones I’ve never heard.

4 TED Talks Daily

text, font, logo, line, area, Do you love learning? This daily podcast features a different short TED talk every day. Some of my favorites was on everyday physics (I always thought I hated science!), nurturing friendships in opposing political viewpoints, and a black man who went undercover in a racist internet organization. I love it because the topics are usually different from anything I’d seek out on my own, but are always dynamic and gripping.

5 The Daily

blue, sky, text, yellow, product, This podcast, which is hosted by The New York Times, is perfect for the girl who wants to stay up to date on current events and news, but is short on time. Each podcast is around twenty minutes and is extremely educating.

6 The Quote of the Day Show

text, font, product, logo, brand, Every week day, Sean Croxton releases a fifteen minute or less podcast with an inspiring quote at its center. The quotes are inspiring and thought provoking, and Croxton is interesting and has amazing guests.

7 Optimal Living Daily

text, font, orange, product, logo, This is a daily podcast about living your best life and boosting your personal development. I find the episodes to be engaging and motivating, and enjoy having it as part of my daily life.

8 KEXP Song of the Day

font, brand, computer wallpaper, This podcast is a great one for girls who love music! Every day, a different song by a less well-known artist is chosen, and it features discussion, live performances, and more. If you’re looking for new music, this is perfect for you!

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