21 Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Thankful in Life ...

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21 Inspirational Quotes to Keep You Thankful in Life ...

It's almost Thanksgiving and chances are you're evaluating what you're thankful for this year. Feeling a little down? Having trouble feeling gratitude? The truth is that the holidays can make people feel depressed and sad. Whether you need a reminder to stay thankful or you just want to do your best at feeling grateful this year, these quotes should help a lot.

1 Small Heart

Small HeartA small heart can feel the most gratitude.

Frequently asked questions

2 Be Thankful All Day

Stay thankful all day long.

3 Appreciate What You Have

Don't worry about what you don't have. Be thankful for what you do have.

4 You've Come so Far

This simple reminder should be your daily mantra.

5 Gratitude Feeds Other Virtues

Be thankful and the rest will follow.

6 For the Perfect Life

What a way to live life, right?

7 Just Say Thanks

The most important thing to say is "thank you."

8 A Noble Soul

You want a noble soul, don't you?

9 Simple, but Meaningful

When you can't manage anything else, this simple reminder is just right.

10 You Need Thankfulness

Really, you can't live your life without thankfulness.

11 Start Today

There's no time like the present to start being thankful.

12 Always

This is great advice for Thanksgiving and every day of the year.

13 Breathe It in

This is great advice, don't you think?

14 Beneficial for Everyone

Being grateful this year helps you and those you interact with.

15 Happiness

Once you begin feeling thankful, you begin feeling happy.

16 Good for Your Soul

Thankfulness is good for nurturing your soul.

17 Thankful for Those around You

Why not spend this Thanksgiving simply being grateful for teh ones who matter most to you?

18 Live with Thankfulness

Thankfulness means nothing if you don't live by it.

19 Truly Thankful Heart

Your grateful heart will make your Thanksgiving and your whole life better.

20 This Year's Thanksgiving

A short list of what you can be thankful for this Thanksgiving.

21 Important to Remember

There's nothing more important to remember this year, right?

Which of these quotes will you live by this Thanksgiving?

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