Inspiration on How to Fall in Love with Yourself ...

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Inspiration on How to Fall in Love with Yourself ...

Don't you think it's time to learn how to fall in love with yourself? This is one relationship that every woman needs to nurture. Before a woman is anything in life she is first an individual. You have to accept that not everyone is going to love you back. That's why it's important to love yourself. These are some of the things you can do to learn how to fall in love with yourself.

1 Do Something Nice for Yourself Every Day

Whether it's cooking a nice meal for yourself, having a nice bath, massaging your scalp, a good face mask, drinking a cup of tea or having a glass of wine, caring for yourself is one of the best answers for how to fall in love with yourself.

Frequently asked questions

2 Make Your Own Rules

Unlearn anything people may have told you and do what you want. Create your new beliefs live by them.

3 Stay in Your Own Lane

Everyone has their own path. Don't compare your path to someone else's. Live your own story.

4 Compliment Yourself

Write your name on your mirror with lipstick. Keep telling yourself that you are beautiful until you believe it.

5 Spend Time Alone

Go to a cafe and have a meal. No earphones and no books. Just keep yourself company and manage your thoughts.

6 Accept Yourself

We all have different body types. Look at yourself in the mirror naked and accept your cellulite, stretch marks and any scars. They represent that you have lived. All features that you think are bad, are actually okay.

7 Try Passwording

This is changing your password to something positive. Your email address, for example, is " I am strong and beautiful". The longer you keep using this password, the sooner you will end up believing it.

8 Look in the Mirror and Appreciate Yourself

Sometimes we imagine ourselves to be something that we're not, perhaps someone that we wish we were. But when we look in the mirror, we are faced with who we really are. And looking in the mirror doesn't have to be about vanity. Let the mirror be a friend instead of a judge. We often look in the mirror and loathe what we see, but we should remember the most important thing is to love who you are. Make time to stand in front of the mirror and identify all the different and beautiful parts of your body that you love without anybody else's validation or approval. The more you love your body and give it attention, the more connected you will be with it. A little appreciation goes a long way - Cameron Diaz

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