Do You Stick to Your New Years Resolutions ?

By Teresa

Do You Stick to Your New Years Resolutions ?

Do you stick to your New Year's resolutions? Here it is the end of November and people are already talking about their New Year’s resolutions. Do you make them? I make them every year, but the question is do I follow through with them?

Last year’s goals included health, weight loss, organization, new job (I’ve always had two jobs), and finish the remodeling of my house.

So, I say again here we are at the end of November and what did I accomplish? I lost a little bit of weight – but not as much as I wanted. I hurt my lower back – well, that didn’t accomplish anything. I did donate almost two carloads to various charities – but you should still see my basement. And the house remodeling? Well, there is a wall now between the dining room and kitchen and there are cabinet doors, but the floor still has gaps and the doors aren’t painted and the pantry has NO door… you get the picture. Do you stick to your New Year's resolutions?

So why do we make these resolutions when obviously we don’t seem to accomplish them?
The answer is not that you made them but how you made them.
When we stop thinking about resolutions as life-changing events and more like daily tasks you will accomplish more.

I have decided to start my New Year’s resolutions early – and I mean this week. So, what are my tasks?

1 My Health

Number one on my list is health. With this year’s low back injury, my task to do yoga every day THIS week. It doesn’t have to be 60 minutes and I don’t even have to leave the house. But I do plan on spending some time every day THIS week doing yoga. If I can accomplish this task, then I can look forward to next week.

Frequently asked questions

2 Weight Loss

Number two is weight loss. For many years I have been overweight. I didn’t gain the weight overnight and I’m certainly not going to lose it overnight or even this week. But I can make conscious decisions about what to eat THIS week which will impact my weight and of course the weight loss will help my back.

3 Organization

Number three is organization. I think that is an area we all struggle with. Ask yourself, “what can you do THIS week?” Do you really think you can organize the whole house? If you didn’t do it in the past year, I don’t think you can do it all this week. But you can pick a project. Write down all the organization projects you’d like to complete and pick one. Mine is my linen closet. I accept the task and THIS week it will be reorganized and decluttered.

4 House Remodel

That brings us to number four: my house remodel. Nearly two years ago I gutted the kitchen (and the bathroom) – yep, me (I live alone with three cats). Anyone who has lived through a remodel can tell you that most days the unfinished work can be frustrating unless you can afford to pay someone. I cannot. My task for this week is to put in the floorboards of the new pantry. The floor had to come up when I took down the old wall. It’s just eight floorboards. And after this task, I can think about the next task of the inlay (another story).

5 New Job

And finally, number five was a new job. I’m going to re-access that resolution. Because is it a new job or a new career I am wanting? And they are/can be two completely different paths. But that too is a topic for another day.

Now, let me ask you? What will you do THIS week? Do you stick to your New Year's resolutions?

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