Commitments to Make on International Women's Day 2019 ...


Commitments to Make on International Women's Day 2019 ...
Commitments to Make on International Women's Day 2019 ...

If you weren’t already aware, Friday 8th March is annual International Women’s Day, and it is a day that I think we should all be much quicker to recognize and enjoy! It is a day when we are all encouraged to come together to celebrate the achievements and power of women all over the world, and to embrace the wonderful sisterhood that exists across the globe. Each International Women’s Day arrives with a new theme, and in 2019 the theme is #BalanceForBetter. It’s all about the fact that we all have to do our own small part in order to re-address the balance in gender equality across the world, starting from the smallest grass roots places right to the top. There are some commitments to make on International Women's Day to support the cause:

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Year Long

This amazing theme doesn’t just begin and end on March 8th. #BalanceForBetter should be something that we all aim to carry in our lives and hearts every single day for the entire year. The campaign is only just beginning, and it is coming together to be a galvanized effort to reinforce the important message that we need equality and balance in all areas of life, both professional and personal!


Gender Balanced World

The ultimate goal is to create a world that has a perfect gender balance in all areas. We want gender balanced boardrooms, gender balanced governments, gender balanced media coverage figures, gender balanced employee rosters from the bottom to the top, a gender balance in terms of wealth, and a gender balance in terms of high profile sport coverage! The philosophy is that the more representation women have to bring them equal in representation to men, the more thriving, inspired and included all sections of society will feel.


Play Your Part

Collectively, we can all make a huge difference if we commit to playing our small parts. Even if you don’t do anything in an official capacity, simply spreading the word about International Women’s Day and the #BalanceForBetter message is helpful. The more women (and men) who know about the effort to address the imbalance, the more likely people are to be mindful about choices and decisions that they make in their own lives.


Social Media

Obviously, a great way to amplify this message and cause is via all of your different social media platforms. If there is one commitment that you put your name to this March 8th, make it be sending out the bat signals and hashtags to raise awareness. You would be surprised by just how far your message can reach in terms of geographic impact. That aunt and uncle you have on the other side of the world? You might the one person from whom they find out about International Women’s Day!


Take Action

And finally, as well as spreading the hashtag as far as you can, think about what you can actually do in your own life to #BalanceForBetter. There is always something that you can put your time and efforts in to try to make the world a more equal and accepting place.

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