Awesome Ways to Be Less Lonely when You Live Alone ...

By Deeceebee

Awesome Ways to Be Less Lonely when You Live Alone ...

If you’re seeking ways to be less lonely when you live alone, it doesn’t mean you are suffering from loneliness. If you live alone by choice, you will still have periods of time when you want some company. That’s a different situation to living alone when not by choice. In the opinions of many people, living alone is an experience that all adults should go through at some point in their lives, to assert their independence and make their own way in the world. However, if you find yourself living alone for much longer than you ever expected to, the reality of the situation might be that you start to experience loneliness. Being lonely is definitely not the same as being alone. Loneliness is something that can affect you mentally in a very negative way. If you are starting out with a place of your own and are looking for tips to not fall into loneliness, then here are some ways to be less lonely when you live alone.

1 Keep a Physical Calendar

It’s a simple visual thing, but make sure to write down all of your appointments and social events on a physical calendar. Having something like that on your kitchen fridge will help to remind you that you do have things to look forward to, even when you are feeling low.

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2 Houseplants

Houseplants can have a genuinely therapeutic effect not only on you but on your wider environment. They give you something to take responsibility for and look after, and they can be really pretty, which will help to make you smile on a daily basis.

3 Gratitude List

Take some time to sit down and think about all the things that you have to be grateful for in your life. Write them down into an actual list and pin it up somewhere. It will help to remind you of all the good things you have going even if you are feeling lonely in the moment.

4 Go to the Gym

The gym is a great idea for people who are feeling lonely, for two main reasons. The first is that it will get your endorphins pumping and will help to make you feel better mentally and physically, and the second is that it will give you the opportunity to be around lots of new people; you might even make some friends.

5 Natural Light

When you are feeling low and lonely, it can be very tempting to shut the curtains and dwell in the darkness, but what you need to do is the complete opposite. You should be seeking out as much natural light as you can. Throw open your windows and let the sunshine in. Even better, get out into nature at your nearest beauty spot.

6 Avoid Social Media

You might think that catching up with all the latest gossip on social media might be a good idea for curing loneliness, but in fact, the vapid nature of it will only serve to make you feel even more distant from everyone else after you have finished.

7 Skype Catch-Ups

What you should do instead, is try to organize lots of FaceTime or Skype catch-ups with friends who might be living out of town now. This feels more intimate than just browsing their profiles to catch up from a distance. Being able to talk in a ‘face to face’ way will really feel much better than typing at a blank screen.

8 Classes

Try to find things to fill up the spare time that usually leaves you feeling the most lonely. We all have a community center nearby, and those centers always have plenty of different classes that you could try out. It will give you something to focus on whilst also opening up the opportunity to make new friends.

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